Architect recognised for extension and refurbishment of a Victorian warehouse in Bradford

Kraus Schnberg Tayson House

Kraus Schnberg Tayson House

Kraus Schnberg Architects has won this year’s Galvanizing in Architecture award for the refurbishment and extension of Tayson House, a grade II listed Victorian warehouse building in central Bradford.

The new extension is hung from a steel frame creating a minimal interface with the existing buildings and the facade is clad in 3mm galvanized steel plates. The aim was to give the structure a similar solid appearance as the surrounding buildings, avoiding cladding joints as much as possible.

The Galvanizing in Engineering award went to Roseisle Distillery in Elgin, Scotland while the Galvanizing in Detail award went to P Johnson & Company for the south porch gates at St Michaels Church in the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow in Scotland.