Sir Bob Kerslake, chief executive of the Homes and Communities Agency, has been appointed permanent secretary at the communities department. He takes up the position on 1 November

Kerslake was the first chief executive of the HCA, the national housing and regeneration body for England, joining in 2008. Before working at the HCA, he was chief executive of Sheffield council.

Robert Napier, HCA’s chairman, said: “Permanent secretary is the top civil servant post in an important warm of government and his appointment is a reflection of his outstanding skills and of the HCA’s track record of delivery.”

The HCA board has begun the process of recruiting a new chief executive from its existing group of directors, initially on an interim basis.

Napier said: “Looking forward, we have a continuing and evolving role, as well as a business to run as usual, and over the coming months we will continue to deliver against our current programmes while we shape our new way for doing business.

“I am pleased that government recognises the key role that the HCA has to play in helping to shape local places, and that our staff have the necessary skills and expertise to adapt to our changing world.”