Ruth Kelly gives controversial scheme the green light depsite fierce local opposition
Communities secretary Ruth Kelly has given the go ahead to controversial plans for a Frank Gehry designed development on Hove seafront.

Kelly’s officials at the Government Office for the South East last week informed Brighton and Hove council that they will not be calling a public inquiry into the £290m scheme, featuring the ‘crumpled tin can’ towers.
The letter upholds Brighton and Hove’s decision in March to grant permission for the 750 home scheme last month.
The scheme also includes a sports centre, shops, a police station, GP surgery, cafes and restaurants. The scheme will fund the replacement of the council’s rundown King Alfred’s sports centre, which currently occupies the site.
Gehry’s design has sparked huge backlash from local residents. They are now pinning their hopes on the Conservatives, who became the largest group on Brighton and Hove at this month’s local elections, partly on the back of their opposition to the scheme. The Save Hove group is also looking into mounting a judicial review of the council’s decision.
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