HCA reveals housing schemes safe from cuts and those still under threat from £220m funding shortfall
The HCA has announced which schemes will go-ahead and which are still under review following government cuts in funding.
The Treasury yesterday announced that it will provide £390m of funding for the Homes and Communities Agency to help plug a £610m due to government budget cuts.
Commenting on the settlement, the Housing and Communities Agency’s chief executive, Sir Bob Kerslake, said: “We are pleased to have confirmation of the £390m and are working on how we can use it to maximise the impact for maintaining the supply of affordable housing and creating opportunity for communities.
“We can now firm up the position with our partners to create more certainty around schemes that have been on hold. It also means that we are now in a position to both meet commitments across our entire funding programme as well as providing funding for some additional affordable housing schemes.”
Click the following to find see what schemes have survived and which are still under threat from cuts.
Kickstart schemes subject to regional review
Kickstart schemes proceeding
Local authority new build schemes proceeding
Local authority new build schemes subject to regional review
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