Encor Rail will supply enginnering services to Stratford and Ebbstreet stations.

Emcor Rail has won an £11m contract to work on Stratford and Ebbstreet stations on section two of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL).

The contract, awarded by Rail Link Engineering (RLE), covers the design, procurement and installation of engineering services for the two new stations. These services are to include electrical, public health, communications, and fire protection systems.

Emcor has previously been contracted by RLE for mechanical and electrical works, including tunnel ventilation, and work at St Pancras station.

The company’s Operations Director Chris Raven said the CTRL contract reflected the success of the partnership. He said: “This is a good indicator of the strong working relationship the team has developed during previous works with RLE.”

The scheme is expected to reach completion in December 2005.