Industry experts share their favourite environmental web pages with What are yours? Send them to
The new chief executive of influential group WWF, David Nussbaum, shares the ten sites he swears by, which range from a carbon calculator to finding air free travel routes and tracking the journey of Aitkanti the turtle
1. WWF online calculator - WWF recently launched an ecological footprint calculator which only takes five minutes to complete but produces very accurate results, pinpointing 92% of your environmental impact. This calculator goes further than carbon calculators which simply work out how much carbon dioxide you are responsible for. The WWF calculator looks at the complete impact of an individuals lifestyle on the environment.
2. Sustainability checklist - the WWF/BRE/CLG regional sustainability checklists for developments. The checklist highlights best practice, complementing the new code for Sustainable Homes
3. Treehugger - one of the most popular environmental blogging sites with some interesting discussions from around the world
4. Seat 61 - Use this site to work out how to reach your destination without flying. Aviation is the fastest growing source of emissions in the UK, so this site is valuable in providing alternative ideas for reaching your destination.
5. Recycle now - On average, each household in the UK produces over a tonne of household waste every year. We send as much as 80% of this to landfill. This website enables you to enter your postcode to find out your nearest recycling centre. Alternatively Freecycle offers a great opportunity to re-use and recycle goods. We often throw out things such as clothing and furniture well before the end of their life, so freecycle enables one person to benefit from another's unwanted goods
6. Track the turtle - This website tracks the extraordinary journey of a turtle WWF tagged to learn more about the movements of these ocean wanderers - so far Aitkanti has swam nearly 9,000 miles from South America to our door step in the UK and is currently in the Bay of Biscay.Thousands of leatherbacks are believed to be killed by long-line fisheries and discarded fishing gear each year. WWF is promoting the use of many innovative solutions to these problems, including devices to allow turtles to escape from fishing nets and special hooks that dramatically reduce turtle deaths.
7. Brent Stirton - Brent Stirton is a photographer who has captured stunning images for WWF. His photography looks at sustainability issues, aids, and conflict around the world and really bring the issues home. If you click on the Projects page you can see two photo expeditions he has done for WWF in Papua New Guinea, and Kenya, Tanzania and Fiji.
8. Independent - For the latest environment news. You can also rely on BBC News for up to the minute news coverage and the Daily Telegraph has also recently launched a fantastic news portal called Telegraph Earth that goes into further depth on environmental issues.
9.Panda is the WWF International website and provides information on the projects happening across the WWF network. You can use this site to track polar bears, read climate change blogs, and catch up on the latest WWF news from around the world
10.One Planet Living - One Planet Living is a joint initiative between WWF and Bioregional based on ten guiding principles of sustainability. The vision of One Planet Living is a world in which people everywhere can lead happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the Earth's resources. This website provides details of One Planet Living developments around the world.