Transport for London will run services which will commence in 2017
Ruth Kelly has announced that the construction of Crossrail will begin in 2010 with the first services following in 2017.
The Department for Transport and the Mayor of London will support the Crossrail project with a total of £13.3bn.
Transport minister Kelly yesterday announced that the Department for Transport will contribute £5.6bn to the programme, while the mayor will be responsible for providing £7.7bn through Transport for London and the Greater London Authority.
The minister further announced that the project’s delivery company, Crossrail London Rail Links (CLRL), will become a 100% TfL-owned subsidiary. The CLRL’s board will consist of a number of non-executive directors.
TfL will be in charge of delivering the Crossrail rail services, while the government will be involved in the detailed services and timetable planning.

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