Rivals say jobs novating jobs across as soon as possible will see mimimum delays

Clients have been told to move quickly to get jobs ISG was working restarted – or risk them being stalled for months.

Senior figures at major rivals have told Building, the next few days were critical to getting jobs that could be shut back up and running.

An email sent last night to staff by ISG chief executive Zoe Proce said sites would be shut from this morning and one boss said: “If clients are minded to novate a contract to a credible alternative without fuss, then it can be sorted out with minimal impact.”

ISG sign

ISG sites have been closed from today

But he added: “If they start delaying things, and want to retender it all then they will have a shut site for 18 months and they’re paying the bills.”

>> Also read: Offices closed and sites shut as ISG set to file for administration, chief executive confirms

>> Offices closed and sites shut as ISG set to file for administration, chief executive confirms

>> ISG’s collapse: a huge blow to construction that raises urgent and difficult questions

Another added: “It’s never straightforward to finish jobs off. There’s liabilities, who pays for those? It’s horribly complicated.”

News that the firm is set to go into administration, after a rescue deal hit the buffers, is set to have a huge impact on the wider industry.

“It’s not a huge surprise but it’s a confidence thing,” one boss said. “It’s hugely upsetting for the poor old employees and supply chain.

“There will be people we pick up because that’s what we do but I think there will be [supply chain] ramifications for us. We’ve been careful to on that but I’m sure there will be an impact.