UK contractors and consultants are set to cash in on a £60bn infrastructure programme in Chile as its government seeks construction partners familiar with new procurement forms.

The five-year construction programme, due to start next year, is double the usual Chilean capital spend and Chile wants to ensure it gets value for money.

The Chilean government is also looking for £5bn in private investment along the lines of the UK’s private finance initiative.

The UK government and construction industry is already in talks with the Chilean Chamber of Construction and the Chilean government.

Construction minister Nick Raynsford is to lead a trade mission to Chile in November, and Movement for Innovation chairman Alan Crane is already in discussions with the government.

Following a visit to Chile two weeks ago, Crane is in the process of negotiating a consultancy deal whereby the movement would manage a demonstration project for the Ministry of Public Works. It would be undertaken in a joint venture with the Chilean Chamber of Construction.

Crane said the proposal included procurement methods used in the UK, such as partnering, developing closer relationships with the supply chain and involving the supply chain in the early stages of design.

He said: “I do think it is an opportunity for British contractors and consultants and designers to work in the country. There are also some good investment opportunities.”

“As far as M4I and Rethinking Construction is concerned, we must be getting something right if someone else is asking our advice.”