Consultant is project manager on the £3.4m scheme

Consultant Capita Symonds has been appointed to project manage the development of a joint sixth form centre for St Gregory’s Catholic College and St Mark’s Church of England School in Bath.

The project is a partnership between the Catholic and Anglican dioceses and is supported by Bath and North East Somerset Council.

Phase 1 of the £3.4m project will comprise the new sixth form centre, which will provide specialist drama and music facilities as well as a learning resource centre for sixth form study, catering facilities and administration support offices.

Phase 2 of the project will provide a multi-purpose gathering space which will be used for performances, assemblies, exams, drama lessons, presentations and conferences, as well as by the local community.

It will also include accommodation for a centre for Christian formation or a chaplaincy, which will comprise social space, smaller rooms for counselling or support meetings, a prayer or retreat space for a chapel or oratory, and space for admin support.

Modern methods of construction will be used to speed-up construction, with the aim of opening the new sixth form centre by September 2013.

A planning application is due to be submitted in May 2012.
