What did darling say on our five key areas?


Made a clear commitment to spending, listing support for Crossrail, the Heathrow expansion and high-speed rail. He also announced £100m to repair roads following this winter’s damage and £285m for the main road network.


The big victory, as outlined above. Pledged to limit new regulations to fixed intervals, will shortly consult on how a scaled back section 106 would operate, and said he would work to plan the best way to deliver zero-carbon homes.

Renewables and nuclear

The launch of a £2bn green investment bank (see above) to support green transport and energy developments is good news for the renewable sector, particularly offshore wind developments which were listed as a priority.

Greening existing homes

Pledged to “develop” the recent flurry of announcements surrounding the pay as you save initiative. Green lobby groups said the new green investment bank could provide an ideal vehicle for developing pay as you save.


Reiterated a commitment to protecting “front line services” in areas such as education but gave no detail on the building programme.