Architects from outside the EU could have their British visa constraints relaxed, if an industry campaign proves successful.

The Association of Consultant Architects (ACA) has launched a drive to have the profession placed on the Home Office’s official skills shortage list.

It sent a letter to its members and country’s largest 100 architects last week asking them to send in recruitment information that might indicate the skills gap in the profession.

The letter says: “If we, the profession, can provide sufficient information the Home Office will be prepared to place architects onto the official skills shortages list, thereby reducing bureaucracy and speeding visa applications for architects.”

Brian Waters, president of the ACA, said: “The visa regulations are very strict. We get talented people and we skill them up, then we lose them and they don’t want to go. We hope this campaign will succeed in getting the [Home Office’s] attention.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We have had no recent discussions about adding architects to the skills shortage list, but we are always open to discussion with the industry.”