Building on its commitment to support its expanding fabricator base, Newdawn & Sun has launched a new national network of roof kit fabricators, helping customers to grow their business by capitalising on the rising demand for conservatory roof kits.

Leading Newdawn fabricators located across the UK have signed up to the network, claimed to be an ‘industry first’ that bucks the current trend for moving roof kit production ‘in house’. Acting Network Chairman Alan Cockayne explains:

‘Newdawn has always maintained a small kit manufacturing capacity, run largely as a training, research and development facility. However, the demand for kit roofs both from within the Bowater Group and from its customers has meant long delivery dates of up to four or five weeks in busy periods. By establishing the Newdawn Network, we have taken the capacity and expertise of our leading fabricators and created a dynamic new grouping with the ability to handle immediate requirements in more realistic timescales.’

He adds: ‘The decision to support and help existing fabricators to expand their business rather than opting to build roof kits ‘in house’ reflects the faith we have in our customers and our desire to support them wherever possible, in this instance by creating new routes to market.’