This month

Know what’s in your materials

Impress your clients by demonstrating the recycled content of your building materials, through reference to WRAP’s handy new guide, The Rules of Thumb Guide to Recycled Content in Construction Products. It’s available online at the not-so-handy address below.

Pocket safety guide updated

Pocket-sized guide Site Safety and You has been updated to incorporate the new CDM regulations which came into play last year. Produced in a checklist format, the guide includes information on a range of issues to help you manage health and safety correctly. The guide costs £10 and is available from Construction Industry Publications.

Ea launches pollution guidelines

Working near water? Avoid prosecution by the Environment Agency by boning up on its newly launched pollution prevention guidelines (PPG) which cover topics such as sustainable drainage systems, oil and chemical storage, and pollution incident response. PPG5 – Works and Maintenance In Or Near Water can be downloaded from the website, or call 08708 506506.

Dhf opens door to best practice

Accidents with industrial shutters and doors has prompted the Door and Hardware Federation to issue a best practice guide outlining the design characteristics to be considered when specifying roller shutter door barrels. Download it from