CDM guidance is free

Need help with CDM regulations which came out in April? Industry advisory committee CONIAC has finally published its guidance document and the good news is, it’s FREE.

Download it from

Concrete report

The Construction Confederation has published the Construction Environmental Manual, aimed at site staff. The book, written by environmental experts from leading construction companies, sets out what site managers must do to comply legally and what is good practice. The book and CD-Rom cost £125 from Construction Industry Publications, with six-monthy updates to follow costing £25 each.

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Sustainability toolkit

The Sustainability Toolkit, published by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), contains an introduction to sustainability and a guide to fundamental principles. The toolkit also has a searchable online database of good practice guidance with references to documents from CIBSE and others including BSRIA, BRE and CIRIA. It costs £25 for CIBSE members and £50 for non-members. or ring 020 8772 3618

Sound advice

The third edition of Robust Details Part E – Resistance to the Passage of Sound

contains 23 robust details for housebuilding. Contractors who build using robust details do not have to carry out pre-completion sound testing, providing that they follow the guidance in the handbook and register with Robust Details Ltd (RDL). The handbook costs £65 plus £7.64 p&p from Construction Industry Publications.

Tel 0870 078 4400

How to go waste neutral

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) launched its proposed ‘Net Waste Method’ in June which sets out a way to measure the value of reused and recycled materials going into a project and the value of the waste coming out. The goal is ‘waste neutrality’ which WRAP defines as a situation where the value of the materials wasted is equal to the value of additional reused and recycled content, where there is no net increase in environmental impact.