This month...

Anti-correction manual

Hot on the heels of its Project Anti-Corruption System, those busy people at Transparency International have produced an Anti-Corruption Training Manual for the infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors. The manual explains what corruption is and how to avoid it. You may think your company doesn’t need it – the Office of Fair Trading might think otherwise (see p28).

Concrete report

The Concrete Centre has published Sustainable Concrete: the Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability Credentials of Concrete. Not surprisingly the report concludes that structural concrete has less embodied energy than structural steel or hardwood timber.

Guidance sheds some light

The National Association of Rooflight Manufacturers has issued guidance on rooflights and Part L. Entitled Designing with Rooflights: Supporting the Guidance in AD L2A and AD L2B (2006), it is a second tier document referenced directly from both Approved Documents L2A and L2B. It is approved by the government.

The document also contains background information on the research carried out by

De Montfort University into the impact of rooflights on overall energy demand and the associated CO2 emissions.

Eurocodes uncovered

Find out all you ever wanted to know about Eurocodes on a new website launched by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers. A traffic light coding system indicates the UK status of the 58 Eurocodes parts and provides information onpublications, events and courses.

Help on records management

Here’s one for the anoraks: a new guide to help you comply with the British Standard on records management. Effective Records Management Part 4: How to Comply With BS ISO 15489-1 by Philip Jones and Robert McLean includes sample forms with guidance notes for completion to help make the workbook clear and easy to use.