I’m a project manager on the £23m St Paul’s Square development in Liverpool for English Cities Fund.

We’ve been on site since August 2005 with phase one delivering two buildings. I’m managing phase two, a 17,000m², eight-storey office block with a glass facade and a unique faceted glass bridge and canopy.

The main challenges are logistical – we’re working in a confined city centre site. Phase two is close to phase one, which is nearing completion, so working around that with deliveries and machinery is an issue.

We’re located near the Mersey river and due to strong winds we have had a lot of tower crane down time, which has delayed the erection of the steel frame. The erection of the core, however, has gone like clockwork.

Tim Waters is project manager at Shepherd Construction. Read the full story on the St Paul’s Square scheme at www.construction-manager.co.uk