Wintech's group operations director plans to use the exhibition to pick up project-specific enquiries and grow the firm's local business

As an exhibitor we are looking to grow the business further in the Middle East and surrounding region, and further extend our local branch offices. We are well established here in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, and our aim is to raise awareness of what we do and pick up further project-specific enquiries.

I've been in the Middle East quite a few times and think the region is growing in terms of professional services, and they have started to push boundaries - especially in technical terms.

The exhibition offers us not just an opportunity to display our company and services but a chance to network, tell the industry what we are doing and the kind of services we offer. The Gulf is fast growing and offers opportunities that you may not get elsewhere, so it makes perfect business sense to take part.

The region is growing in terms of professional services, and they have started to push boundaries - especially in technical terms

The Cityscape exhibition itself is a must see for any industry professional; just the sheer size of the event and the projects on display is interesting. If you go an as exhibitor there is time to do very little else, but if you go as a visitor there is a great opportunity for networking at the event and in the evenings.

My best tip for a first-time visitor is to make sure someone is picking you up from the airport. It can get very busy and it's a bit of nightmare to sort out a taxi just as you've arrived.