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    Thrills and quills


    Developer SKMC has unveiled its design for the latest addition to London Docklands' skyline – a 237 m mixed-use tower at West India Quay.If given the go-ahead, the quill-shaped building would be the second highest in the UK after Canary Wharf tower. The 63-storey skyscraper, designed by DMWR and Weintraub ...

  • News

    Chop the charge


    Ken Livingstone’s congestion charge is set to cost the average central London project an extra £50,000. Join Building’s campaign for an exemption from this tax on development – your industry needs you

  • Comment

    A heated debate


    McLaren was appointed architect by Abercromby for the design and supervision of the construction of four car dealership showrooms and workshops. Disputes arose between the parties relating to the level of McLaren's fee and a claim by Abercromby alleging that McLaren was negligent in the design of the ...

  • Features

    Where the smart money is


    The second issue of the 50 Top Clients review brings together key information on the UK construction industry's major clients – those firms that invest large sums on a regular basis

  • Features

    Anglian Water Services


    Procurement policyIn early 2000 Anglian Water Services selected six construction partners on a framework basis for all work covering the period April 2000 to March 2005, the current review period. This followed a comprehensive tendering exercise, and means that the company no longer spot-tenders for construction work.Current and future projectsWhen ...

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    Asda Stores


    Procurement policyAsda uses an approved list of partners for its main contracting and design work. In terms of contracting, the main suppliers are HBG Construction, Laing, Carillion and Pearce Retail, which have worked with the company for more than five years.For all projects, the partners have pre-agreed overhead costs, profit ...

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    Associated British Ports


    Procurement policyAssociated British Ports has no preferred procurement route, but much of its work is suited to a design-and-build form of contract.The type of contract used depends on the project and even on different elements of the scheme. Contracts above the various thresholds detailed in the procurement regulations are advertised ...

  • Features



    Procurement policyThe bulk of BAA's construction work is let under framework agreements. These cover all types of project and are aimed at promoting long-term relationships with a preferred list of suppliers.The goal is to produce "seamless project teams" comprising representatives from the company and from suppliers with the intention of ...

  • Features

    The Big Food Group


    Procurement policyThe company uses different contractual arrangements for different types of purchases. Competitive tendering is used for new stores and refits, whereas serial contracts are used for such items as security and lifts.The group has started to use online auctions, but mainly for equipment such as refrigeration units.Current and future ...

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    Boots Group


    Procurement policyFor larger contracts, those worth more than £300,000, Boots has a list of three preferred contractors, which work with the group on an open-book basis. This relationship is something between a negotiated contract and partnering arrangement.It is one year into this procurement process and is constantly reviewing its needs. ...

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    Birmingham City Council


    Procurement policyBirmingham City Council procures all its building work via its urban design department. A wide range of contracts is used, including JCT, design-and-build and PPC 2000. The ICE form of contract is used for highways work, and term contracts for maintenance work. Some major housing schemes are procured via ...

  • Features

    British Energy


    Procurement policyAs it is a utility company, British Energy is governed by EU requirements in terms of its procurement processes. It uses the Achilles database to select suppliers, and a prequalification process if more than four are identified.Four companies are usually selected to bid against given specifications. The specifications vary ...

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    The British Land Company


    Procurement policyThe procurement route used by British Land varies depending on the project and what is most appropriate at the time.Current methods are two-stage tendering with a guaranteed maximum price, construction management and design-and-build. Recently, two major projects have been let under a construction management form of procurement.Current and future ...

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    British Waterways


    Procurement policyBritish Waterways procures its work through competitive tender. In 2000/01 it introduced "omnibus contracts". These are partnerships with engineering contractors whereby ecologists, engineers and heritage experts from the company sit alongside planners, estimators and site agents from contractors. Phase two omnibus contracts have since been introduced, and these extend ...

  • Features

    Canary Wharf Group


    Procurement policyThe east London Canary Wharf development carries out its own construction management, with an in-house team of about 600 people.Most of this work is put out to competitive tender, and the company does have loose partnerships with some companies. It also has a preferred list of suppliers but will ...

  • Features

    Capital Shopping Centres


    Procurement policyThe form of contract used for a Capital Shopping Centre (CSC) project varies depending on the scheme. The company generally uses competitive tender contracts, although it has used design-and-build and fixed price contracts. On a few occasions, including its Braehead project in Glasgow (see below), it has used strategic ...

  • Features



    Procurement policyOn major projects, Chelsfield tends to adopt a two-stage modified JCT contract with an element of competition to establish overhead and profit margins and preliminary costs. Some of the key issues it considers at this stage are the contractors' approach to the project, and their willingness to work in ...

  • Features



    Procurement policyAll work is competitively tendered using a limited number of suppliers. For new-build, some seven contractors are used and store modifications are carried out by nine or 10 contractors. This list of suppliers is reviewed continually.Current and future projectsDebenhams' capital investment programme increased slightly in the financial year to ...

  • Features

    Defence Estates


    Procurement policyDefence Estates' preferred procurement routes are prime contracting and PFI. Prime contracting entails the supplier taking overall responsibility for the management and delivery of the project to agreed specifications. As well as meeting cost requirements, the prime contractor is responsible for all aspects of the job. In line with ...

  • Features

    Dwr Cymru – Welsh Water


    Procurement policyWelsh Water has implemented a new procurement policy, using specialist providers for the day-to-day operation of assets and much of the delivery of the capital programme. All contracts are actively managed against key performance indicators. United Utilities won the contract for the day-to-day operation of water and sewerage assets.The ...