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    Technology 160 - 2033 Site


    The building project of the future will be a model of rationality. If the initial design is good, and the system is operated properly, the process of procuring and erecting a building will be an elaborate, computer-choreographed dance in which many hundreds of people will perform precisely the right steps ...

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    Technology 160 - 2033 Home


    In the UK, 30 years is not a long time in housing. If we were transported back in time to 1973, we would be astonished by the archaic design of cars, telephones, hair and instant coffee, but we would be at home in the houses. So it is safe to ...

  • Features

    Technology 160 - 2033 Office


    The office of the future will contain much of the same furniture as the office of the present, but a lot of the equipment and objects will go. Say sayonara to the fax, copier, shredder and shelf after shelf of lever-arch files. Instead, information will be stored on servers and ...

  • Features

    Love the car


    The funny thing about technology is that most of the time, progress grinds along incrementally – but then suddenly, even unpredictably, there's an explosion that changes our entire world. Take two technologies that have a lot to do with cities and city life: transport and communications. And, since we're looking ...

  • Features

    Space 160


    Nostalgia has already set in for the nuclear family. The semi-detached suburban utopia of 2.4 children, plus dog – not to mention the gas-guzzling car in the driveway – now only exists in the sweetly sentimental works of the poet John Betjeman. Today's image of the typical family appears dystopic ...

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    Beyond the ivory towers


    Architects are in danger of missing out on the billions being spent in the public sector unless they get bigger and bolder.

  • Features

    Environment 160


    Life on the edgeWe think of global warming the way a smoker thinks about lung cancer. We know, in a distant, abstract way, that what we are doing could have some serious consequences for our health, but we solve the problem by refusing to think about it. Smokers shy away ...

  • Features

    Business 160


    Extract from Building, 18 July 2033:So, after all the speculation, the shortlist for main contractor on London One, the world largest office complex, has been narrowed down to two candidates. It's no surprise that the global powerhouse of Bechtel Beatty made the cut for the *8bn project – it has ...

  • Features

    Society 160


    "… and on BBC9, Harlan Davis' How Did We Get Here examines social change in the first three decades of the 21st century; this week its the turn of the built environment". A 3D image of Harlan, looking a bit of a prat in his trademark leather trousers, appears on ...

  • Features

    Meades 160


    Go to a fully accredited tourist village in any European country – Ireland, Germany, France, wherever. We all know these places – steeped in the romance of history, sweating heritage, foetid with feudal associations and so on. We will certainly find examples of the vernacular architecture peculiar to their area, ...

  • Comment

    The expert's opinion


    This was an appeal by the defendant from an order of Judge Hull QC in which he refused Katra's challenge to an order confirming a previous strike-out order. The claimant was seeking to recover the sum of £2,789.63 in respect of building works, by arguing that the quality of the ...

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    Architects in crisis


    Construction is trying to meet the demands of 21st-century clients with a design sector largely made up of CAD-equipped hand-loom weavers. Clearly, architects are going to have to reorganise themselves fast or they will face commercial extinction. But how?

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    Technology 160


  • Features

    The dark side of construction


    Every two days, a construction worker commits suicide – which is higher figure than any other professional sector. We explore what lies behind this disturbing statistic.

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    Instant justice


    Believe it or not, some people still argue about the relative merits of arbitration and adjudication. But for ease of use, speed and cost, the latter wins hands down

  • Features

    Dermot Gleeson


    The chairman of MJ Gleeson may look like he's sitting pretty as he takes over the hot seat at the Major Contractors Group. But the question everybody's asking is, can he stop its members from leaving?

  • Features

    Empty promises?


    Prescott's plan to build the homes that southern England so desperately needs is not going to work without a huge increase in funding. So far, there is little sign that he has the money or the political support to make it happen.

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    Wates beefs up PFI team for schools bids


    Contractor Wates is aiming to expand its PFI team over the next 18 months.

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    Atkins poaches Clarke


    Skanska 'not best pleased' after one of its top executives jumps ship to head UK's largest consultant.