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    This week we celebrate the charm of John Prescott, the generosity of Watkins Gray, the taste of Erisco Bauder and the television habits of Dennis Lenard's daughter

  • News

    David Curry


    Left-wing think tanks are keen to make the government's housing policy as interventionist as possible. But tampering with inheritance tax would be political suicide

  • Features

    In Person: Dennis Lenard


    Trust an antipodean to want to turn everything upside down. But the new chief executive of Constructing Excellence thinks that's what we have to do to change the industry's image – and he's starting with a fundamental review of his own organisation. We spoke to the man who thinks Australian.

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    Carry on at your convenience


    Understandably, clients feel warmly about a clause that allows them to terminate a contract for any reason. But, as these cases show, judges can be more frosty

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    Is it safe?


    What do you do if you know you're going to win your claim, but can't convince the finance director to back you? Perhaps FATE will lend a hand …

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    Keep off the green


    One of your news stories (26 September, page 10) said that the Campaign to Protect Rural England claimed housebuilders were hoarding land in order to keep house prices high. We have made no such accusation.

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    What's in a name?


    A number of people have used your letters page to advocate a name change for the QS.

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    Horses for courses


    Dominic Helps raises the issue of adjudicators seeking technical assistance ("Justice au naturel", 8 August, page 41).

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    Moving from A to B


    John Smith points out (12 September, page 29) that it is only in his "industry A", inhabited by the large contractors and practices, where inroads have been made by organisations such as Be in realising the vision laid out by Egan.

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    Radical thinking


    While I agree with most of Geoffrey Osborne's comments, (1 August, page 28), he must remember profit is not the only criterion for judging the success of a company.

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    People in the know


    It was refreshing to see in the techmeisters article (26 September, page 74) that the work of technology specialists is beginning to be valued.

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    From caves to frames


    Bill Dunster's opinion (5 September, page 11) is another example of a lack of continuous professional development.

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    The perfect hat trick


    For those in search of wide-brimmed headgear (5 September, page 35) take a tip from me.

  • Features

    The West is the best


    We discover that if you're in the South-west, you're probably wondering what all the fuss is about

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    Are you being served?


    When people design their own offices, they create a very different product from that typically offered by spec developers. And thereby hangs a tale

  • Features

    Deoxyribonucleic lighting


    This astonishing concept of mirrors coiled into a DNA-type helix and floated in mid-air was intended to sex-up the Albert Hall's restaurant. But constructing it proved so complex that Arup was called in to check it could work.

  • News



    A solar energy collector to turn next year's heatwave into hot water, sanitaryware to handle tough environments and a speedy plastering technique feature in this week's round-up of products, news and websites

  • News

    Broker's notes: When Rok fell for Galliford


    After years of slaving away producing my fluent prose for Sharewatch, Building has finally decided the time is right to reward me with the recognition I so richly deserve.

  • News

    A pane in the arts


    The Hayward Gallery in London's concrete South Bank Centre has been made more visitor-friendly with a £1.8m glazed extension to the main entrance. Extra space has been provided for a cafe and a disabled lift. Glass panels also serve as screens for viewing artists' videos. The project is ...

  • News

    Millennium villages face uncertain future


    The future of the government's millennium village programme was in doubt after it emerged that a review was being undertaken by regeneration quango English Partnerships