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    Reporting this week from that very special place where the mindwarping worlds of rock stardom, architecture, Marxism and hockey intersect

  • Features

    House party


    Ministers and MPs mingled with construction leaders at Building's annual reception on the House of Commons terrace, where the industry was praised warmly by Nigel Griffiths

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    Pidgley's gambit


    So what is Tony Pidgley up to? His decision to shrink Berkeley Homes and reinvent it as a regeneration specialist has set minds and pulses racing across the city and the housebuilding sector.

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    Just blow the whistle


    It is very important that referees bear one simple rule in mind: when organising a contest between two teams, you're not allowed to kick the ball yourself

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    What Mr Pigott didn't tell you


    Ashley Pigott's article a couple of weeks ago on the firm that signed a final account agreement by mistake left a few things out. A Man Who Knows All About It explains

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    I scratch your back …


    As a subcontractor, main contractors often tell me about the benefits of partnering.

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    Look elsewhere


    It seems extraordinary that nine years after the CDM Regulations were introduced, there still appears to have been no objective study of their cost and effectiveness.

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    The price you pay


    Your article on failures in iconic buildings (19 June, page 26) raises a number of interesting questions about the design and construction of some recent headline-grabbing structures.

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    Babbling Brooke


    The short article on the Brooke Report (11 June, page 14) posed the question, "Do you think the changes will end the QS rebellion?" I think I speak for most of the QS members when I answer a resounding NO!

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    Ahead of the game


    I was interested to read the "news" item "Experts warn of risk from unsafe window glass" (18 June, page 17).

  • Comment

    Damp patches affect us all


    I'm sure many of your readers will have read Jeff Howell's article with the sort of gentle amusement he alludes to (11 June, page 31), smugly thinking that the issues he describes are unique to the homeowner market and do not apply in the "proper" construction industry.

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    ACBEE's angels


    I should correct a misapprehension in the article on Accelerating Change in Built Environment Education (18 June, page 18).

  • Comment

    Guilty, as supercharged


    A small correction to your article "Shanghai Zoom" (18 June, page 20): while Formula 1 cars are undoubtedly flashy, they are not supercharged. That hasn't been allowed since 1988, apparently.

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    Looking on the bright side


    Your report on the industry's reactions to the DTI's withdrawal of ringfenced construction research funding (25 June, page 44) was so negative I was prompted to write.

  • News

    Cleveland Bridge booted off Wembley


    Wembley stadium steel contractor Cleveland Bridge has been given 28 days notice to leave the project by main contractor Multiplex.

  • News

    On the market


    A 29-storey office tower designed by ORMS Architecture Design has won planning permission for Spitalfields in the East End of London.

  • News

    Jacobs set to clinch Babtie deal by end of month


    American firm Jacobs Engineering is expected to complete the acquisition of Scottish consulting engineer Babtie by the end of this month.

  • News

    Rejig at Housing Corporation


    The Housing Corporation was expected to announce a revamp of its management structure as Building went to press.

  • News

    Whitehall considers design tsar


    The government is looking at proposals that would replace its network of departmental design champions with one minister in charge of design

  • News

    Planners form rapid reaction force


    English Partnerships is assembling a team of expert planners to help speed up applications in the South-east's four growth areas.