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    David Curry


    Booming property prices mean more households are levied for inheritance tax, but proposals to reform the rate of taxation are merely tinkering – they don’t resolve the underlying issues

  • Miralles' magnificent mess

    Miralles’ magnificent mess


    We review the Scottish parliament building.

  • Denise Chevin

    Holyrood: The reckoning


    Even after the acres of column inches and the yards of screeching headlines dedicated to the creation of the Scottish parliament building, the Fraser report still manages to add another degree of chill.

  • Robert Akenhead

    Down to brass tacks


    Everybody knows court cases are horribly expensive, but then so are ‘cheaper’ methods such as adjudication and mediation. So here’s a way to save money

  • Tony Bingham

    £70k a pop


    Enforcing an adjudication can be a damned expensive business, especially when there’s a proce - as one unfortunate subcontractor found out

  • Comment

    Natural justice, common sense


    Tony Bingham’s discussion of McAlpine vs Transco, which concerned the introduction of new material in the course of an adjudication, missed a bit out

  • Comment

    Come on, admit it …


    If you enter into ‘without prejudice’ negotiations before a trial, can you subsequently produce them in court when it comes to deciding costs?

  • Comment



    Our legal experts consider what the options are when a contractor fails to complete work on time but no programme of works exists. They also uncover the legislation that defines what ‘quality’ means for new-build homes

  • Comment

    CABE convinced


    Your coverage of the CABE review of Birmingham’s new PFI hospital (27 August, page 13) is a distortion of the tone of its report.

  • Comment

    Wriggling-out petitions


    I read Nick Lane’s article “Don’t fall for Redmond’s wind-up” (3 September, page 52) with great interest and learned a lot from his hints to main contractors on how to avoid the consequences of receiving a statutory demand or winding-up petition.

  • Comment

    It’s all in the regs


    What is set out in the article by Paul Morrell on the Scottish parliament building (3 September, page 40), albeit in different words, is nothing less than the need to comply with the CDM Regulations.

  • Comment

    Cyclists are normal – honest!


    The introduction to your article about elevated composite cycle lanes (27 August, page 50) was a bit over the top, even for late August. Cycling in London is not only for the superhuman.

  • Comment

    What the deuce …?


    We would like to clarify that Capita Symonds is the lead structural engineering as well as civil engineering consultant for the Wimbledon Centre Court project (3 September, page 16).

  • How's this for an executive box?

    How’s this for an executive box?


    In a backlash against Brookside-style housing, Stock Woolstencroft has designed a model high-density apartment scheme with a splash of colour that also regenerates a historic area of north London suburbia.

  • Fraser report: Bovis stands its ground

    Fraser report: Bovis stands it stands its ground


    Firm rejects criticism of its ‘unrealistic’ programming of Scottish parliament

  • Under fire: Davis Langdon was criticised for the foyer roof

    ‘We must learn lessons so this never happens again’


    Lord Fraser sets out guidelines for officials, politicians and project team on major public sector projects

  • Yelland: Hired to improve Multiplex's image

    Multiplex hires ex-Sun editor


    Multiplex has given David Yelland, the former Sun editor, the job of looking after its media relations in an attempt to improve its image in the UK

  • News

    Jarvis to off-load PFI division


    Jarvis, the troubled support services group, is planning to sell part or all of its key PFI division, Jarvis Accommodation Services

  • Prescott: Call for investment in off-site manufacturing

    Prescott disappointed with industry


    John Prescott, the deputy prime minister, has told housebuilders that he is disappointed by their lack of progress in increasing capacity to meet government housing targets

  • News

    Last chance to save Brighton’s West Pier


    A last-ditch attempt to save what remains of Brighton’s historic West Pier will be made next week.