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  • Comment

    The Prince and the Peabody, part II


    In light of your reference a while back to The Prince of Wales “loathing” BedZed and not caring about green building issues (Hansom, 7 January, page 23), I thought you would want to be aware for future reference that: The Prince of Wales has a well-documented passion for environmental concerns ...

  • Comment

    Beware the marketeer


    Andrew Hill in his letter concerning revisions to PPG3 (April 15, page 40), dismissively and wrongly considered that local authorities do not have the ability to determine housing needs and will make prejudiced decisions.

  • Comment

    This kite won’t fly


    The item on the early publication of a report by the government on modern methods of construction (8 April, page 24) refers to a “kitemark” scheme that is to be developed for MMC.

  • Comment

    Apologies to Hazlin


    I have just read the article concerning radio frequency identity technology (22 April, pages 62-64. I spoke to one of your journalists regarding the use of RFID. Unfortunately, our company name has been spelled Gazlin, and not Hazlin. It would have been nice to see our name in your distinguished ...

  • Features

    One voice


    When Labour introduced the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, hopes were high that construction would finally have a loud voice in government. Yet, eight years on, the DETR is no more and the industry has little or no representation at the highest levels of government. An industry ...

  • Features

    Four exemplary policies


    Four flagship initiatives, launched amid much fanfare. But what happened to them when they were implemented?

  • Features

    The comment


    Graham Watts, chief executive of the Construction Industry Council, joins the calls for a dedicated minister of state

  • When design is a crime

    When design is a crime


    It is estimated that half of all site accidents are caused by hazardous designs. The CDM regulations were intended to change this, but only 8% of architects are aware of their duties under them. The HSE has now lost patience with this situation, and is threatening to put negligent designers ...

  • Comment

    A cry for help


    What can a small builder do when domestic clients refuse point blank to pay their bills? I found that the only option was to decide to close my business

  • A game of two halves

    A game of two halves


    In a top-of-the-table clash, architect Austin-Smith:Lord takes on old warhorse Denys Lasdun. But how will the young pretender respond to Lasdun’s brutalist Liverpool University sports centre?

  • The gently curved face of the Beetham Tower at Birmingham’s Holloway Circus is subtly differentiated to differentiate the hotel on the bottom 19 floors with the apartments above

    Building at altitude


    What a difference 30 years makes. High-rise apartment blocks have gone from upright slum terraces to homes for the upwardly mobile. But building tall towers on tiny city-centre sites is a tough challenge. We report on the new popularity of homes in the sky and the engineering and logistical solutions ...

  • News

    Westbury attacks ‘pointless’ English Partnerships


    Martin Donohue, the outgoing chief executive of housebuilder Westbury, this week attacked the government for failing to implement the measures recommended in the Barker report.

  • News

    Heron closes in on Crest


    Housebuilder Crest Nicholson was this week forced to meet with Heron, the property developer that is its biggest shareholder and which is planning a hostile takeover.

  • News

    Wilson Bowden warns City of margins ‘under pressure’


    Housebuilder Wilson Bowden this week warned sales in the first half of the year would drop and that margins were under more pressure.

  • Denise Chevin

    We want a new Labour


    If a Labour government returns to power next week – and there’s little to indicate that it won’t – at least the construction industry should be pleased. It’s hard to conclude otherwise. Labour may have lost its appeal on a personal level to those working in the industry, as our ...

  • News

    Sporting triumph


    Architect Austin-Smith: Lord has added a £2.7m extension to Liverpool University’s sports centre, which was designed by Sir Denys Lasdun and built in 1966. The extension is suspended off steel A-frames and echoes the conical Roman Catholic cathedral nearby. The extension was built by ROK, with TD Bingham as structural ...

  • News

    Bring on the World Cup


    The Allianz Arena in Munich, one of the key venues for the 2006 World Cup, is virtually complete ahead of its opening game on 31 May this year. Resembling a giant pillow, the 66,000-seater stadium is covered in ETFE sheeting that is translucent around the sides and transparent on the ...

  • News

    Costain poaches Taylor Woodrow’s Andrew Wyllie


    Costain has poached Taylor Woodrow’s construction managing director, Andrew Wyllie, to be its next chief executive.

  • News

    Gleeson keeps equity stake


    Contractor Gleeson is set to take an equity stake in the company’s building division after it is sold off.

  • A night for winners

    A night for winners


    Costain was named major contractor of the year at the 2005 Building Awards. The event, which attracted a record 1900 people to the Grosvenor House Hotel, saw a host of former Olympic medal winners including 4 × 100 m relay gold medallist Marlon Devonish, hand out the gongs. Other winners ...