More news – Page 3669

  • Vivian: Carrying out sale policy

    Carillion eyes Mowlem as the sell-off begins


    Former subsidiary Daubney buys part of division for £1m, as two key directors go on gardening leave

  • News

    Skanska set to win first BSF contract


    A Skanska-led consortium has been named preferred bidder for the government’s first Building Schools for the Future contract.

  • George Brumwell

    Blair and Prescott lead tributes to George Brumwell


    Former general secretary of UCATT and chair of the CSCS card scheme dies suddenly in hospital aged 66

  • News

    Lawyers warn that contracts may not protect firms during cold spell


    Lawyers have warned that construction companies could face legal and financial problems if Met Office predictions of a harsh winter come true.

  • News

    Broadway Malyan to design scheme for Fourth Grace site


    £80m mixed-use project to replace Alsop’s ‘Cloud’ in time for Liverpool’s reign as European City of Culture

  • "Bring back our roof pool" - satirical illustration

    Drop the dead duck


    A collapsed roof at a superstore started a chain of events that demonstrates the foolishness of risking indemnity costs when a claim looks certain to fail

  • Comment

    On the record


    A High Court decision to allow the media access to pleadings in Multiplex vs Cleveland Bridge before the case went to trial has implications for all court users

  • Comment

    After the endgame


    In the leader column in today’s issue of Building (28 October) you say: “Without a doubt energy is the most important problem we face as an industry and a society.” None of your readers, unless they had some kind of axe to grind, could disagree with the points you make. ...

  • Comment

    It’s too late to be reasonable


    You are absolutely right that “if construction is to deliver, it needs the rules spilling out of Whitehall to follow the three Cs: they must be clear, concise and consistent” (leader).

  • Comment

    The right mix


    Your interview with the energy minister Malcolm Wicks (28 October) reinforced the view that we should move away from much of the current media debate on which energy source is “best” – a debate somewhat hijacked by nuclear energy.

  • Comment

    An economic argument


    You are trying to have it both ways: our industry moaning about energy price rises while pressing the government to make us more “sustainable”.

  • Comment

    More fuel to the fire


    I read with interest the features on energy in this week’s issue. Of particular interest was the article “Homeowners want cheaper bills not greener measures” (page 23).

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    L’s grannies


    Images of little old ladies controlling their central heating by getting to grips with chapter 11 of the CIBSE Energy Efficiency Guide have faded away.

  • Comment

    Why the long face?


    Was I the only one cheered up by all your dire warnings of a future without hydrocarbons, uranium, cars and so on?

  • Man on a crane with no harness equipment

    Can we have our ball back?


    This photo was taken in Cannes two years ago.

  • Comment

    The lesson of Leeds


    Your lead story on the CASPAR housing scheme in Leeds (28 October) illustrates perfectly the folly of the prescriptive approach to specifying how houses and flats should be built.

  • Comment

    Mall mauling


    I am compelled to comment on the latest addition to the infamous Arndale Centre by Chapman Taylor (21 October).

  • Comment

    Mining other rich seams


    I am writing in reponse to Malcolm Taylor’s etter on the Woodhorn Colliery in Northumberland (9 September).

  • Comment

    Help for Gus


    Of course the answer to Gus Alexander’s problem with the lowest price tender (28 October) would be for the client to employ a quantity surveyor at the outset of the project.

  • Carrot illustration - construction workers reaching up to a giant carrot in the sky

    The year of the carrot


    In 2005 executives have enjoyed unprecedented bonus packages, as companies search for ways of getting peak performances from their upper echelon, according to the Building/Hays Executive salary guide. But they’re also making them harder to collect …