More news – Page 3660

  • Connecting east London to the Continent: two views of the vast Stratford International Station



    The grim accumulation of brick and concrete known as the London Borough of Newham is about to become an international demonstration of what skill, inspiration and a great deal of money can achieve …

  • Rural Kent

    The state of the garden


    If Kent’s the garden of England, then Alan Titchmarsh would have something to say about the way it’s been kept. Much of the north coast, for example, is a post-industrial mess – but that is about to change.

  • The City of Dreadful Night, captured by Dickens and still going strong today

    A tale of two cities


    The one on this page shows the City of Dreadful Night, captured by Dickens and still going strong today; the other exists only in computers, but if all goes to plan, it’ll be with us tomorrow.

  • Roger Madelin

    A confident man


    Roger Madelin has waited 20 years to tackle the father, mother and great aunt of all regeneration projects: London King’s Cross. So how come he’s looking so calm, so relaxed?

  • Sir Michael Latham

    What the forum’s for


    The Strategic Forum has recovered well after the rushed publication and unmanageable targets of Accelerating Change. Where should it go next?

  • John Spanswick

    A traveller’s tales


    Travel may expose you to diverse cultures, but skills shortages, seem to be the same the world over. If only the same could be said for health and safety …

  • Lady on the telephone

    Get the job


    Craig Paterson explains how a good telephone manner can put you ahead of the competition

  • Jody Tableporter



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • Tony Bingham

    People who care


    A faulty load transfer platform caused a block of luxury flats to sink. The consulting engineer didn’t design the platform, but could it be liable for the problem?

  • Comment

    Dangerous liaisons


    This week we have two industry reports that reveal contractors’ cavalier attitude to risk, starting with what industry executives will do to secure work …

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    Are insurers pulling a fast on


    … While Mike Grant of law firm Weightmans says half the contractors it surveyed felt let down by insurers. Does this reflect badly on the policies or on firms’ failure to understand them?

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    Who wants 70bn euros?


    In the past, the construction industry has missed out on European research grants. But now, with a huge round of funding up for grabs, it's time to stand up and be noticed

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    Take some responsibility …


    In her article “It’s not their job” (11 November), Ann Minogue has shot herself in the foot by stating: “But surely one-off clients, which make up most customers, cannot be blamed for what happens on site?

  • Comment

    Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation


    I was very pleased to be consulted for the article on disease risks to schoolchildren (4 November).

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    Alexander grates


    I having just read Gus Alexander’s article “A Waste of Energy” (28 October), and it’s had a fundamental effect on my view of the way we go about construction in the UK.

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    Jestico’s first


    For the record, YRM was not the first architect to transform itself into a not-for-profit trust (4 November).

  • Comment

    A problem doubled


    As the old saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Peter Rees’ article “Double Your Risk” (4 November), explaining how more than one employer can be liable for the acts of employees, seems to demonstrate a more realistic scenario: a problem shared is two people with a problem.

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    Support from The RICS


    As chartered building control surveyors, we pride ourselves on being the first port of call for advice on how to satisfy the functional requirements of the regulations.

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    Big problem for small firms


    There will, I’m sure, be a schemes where the budget allows the hiring of consultants to provide comliant designs, but these will be few and far between.

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    More words of support …


    It is becoming increasingly difficult for building control to keep up with changes...