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    CPA demands action on gas price increases


    The Construction Products Association this week wrote to trade and industry secretary Alan Johnson warning of the “serious consequences” that rises in gas prices would have on UK materials companies.

  • News

    Barratt boss calls for overhaul of planning


    The chief executive of Barratt Developments has appealed to the government to overhaul the planning system and has produced an 18-point programme of reform to show how it could be done.

  • Angela Monaghan



    The Persimmon effect

  • Comment

    The appliance of science


    Attending the Sustainability Awards organised by Building last month brought home to me that the age of sustainable buildings has finally arrived.

  • Comment

    Tall tale?


    I was prompted to write concerning the article in on the design of high-rise building following the events of 9/11 (4 November).

  • Comment

    Less elegant than flatulent


    I couldn’t agree more with Mark Cowell’s and James Nisbet’s comments (28 October) concerning the award of the Stirling Prize to the Scottish parliament building.

  • Comment

    Dot joining


    Energy saving, reduction in greenhouse gases, sustainability, green building, save those trees … all very laudable but it needs joining up.

  • Comment

    Send the academics on site


    Despite 30 years’ experience in building control, I no longer feel confident on site that what I am looking at achieves the requirements of the regulations; also, when asked for advice I don’t always have the answer straight away because the regulations have become too complicated.

  • Keith Clarke

    China hires Atkins to plan 48 cities the size of London


    Consultant to work with Chinese government on cities the size of European capitals, each housing up to 6 million

  • Glasgow city centre

    Lighting up the waterfront


    The Scottish executive has given the green light for Glasgow city centre’s Custom House Quay, a £200m privately funded development on the Clyde Street waterfront.

  • News

    Small Jarvis profit wiped out by financial costs


    Jarvis, troubled support services firm, has announced that it made a £61m loss in the six months to September.

  • News

    Cabinet split over Treasury’s planning gain supplement


    Chancellor Gordon Brown set to announce further consultation in pre-Budget report, despite ODPM opposition

  • Queen Mary university in Mile End

    Student mile


    Morrison Construction is set to start work in the autumn of next year on a block for Queen Mary University in Mile End, London.

  • News

    Barts paying £500k a month in PFI interest


    The cost of the UK’s biggest PFI scheme, the £1.1bn Barts and The London NHS Trust, is rising by £500,000 each month because it has not reached financial close.

  • News

    Building writers hit winning streak at industry awards


    Building writers won five awards at last week’s International Building Press Journalism Awards ceremony in central London. Mark Leftly, the features editor, scooped the Construction Journalist of the Year award, news editor George Hay took the prize for Feature Writer of the Year, Housing editor Josephine Smit was named ...

  • News

    Holiday wrangle payout


    Engineering contractors May Gurney and Morrison Utility Services must pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to workers after losing a row over holiday pay.

  • News

    Amec workers at T5 join call for extra bonuses


    Three hundred Amec workers at Heathrow Terminal 5 have added their voices to the demand for extra bonuses.

  • McAslan: Designing two stations

    Big architects share out East London Line spoils


    Wilkinson Eyre, John McAslan + Partners and Scott Brownrigg win contracts on stations and regeneration schemes

  • News

    Crossrail ‘challenge’ to Olympics


    The £10bn Crossrail project could increase the cost and slow the construction programme of the 2012 Olympics by obstructing the transportation of materials to sites.

  • News

    Procurement delayed on Bradford schools


    The Building Schools for the Future programme in Bradford has been delayed, and the preferred bidder will probably not be named until next year.