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  • Nick Twine



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • News

    House prices on the rise


    Two sets of statistics published this week give contrasting views of the state of the British housing market.

  • News

    Hanson buys paving firm to continue US growth


    Hanson this week expanded its business in the USA with the acquisition of a Florida-based concrete paving company.

  • News

    Steel strenthens grip on key construction market


    Steel's share of the multistorey non-residential market has risen to more than 70%, its highest ever level, despite warnings that its rising price may persuade more contractors to use concrete in the future.

  • News

    Aukett cuts staff and closes three offices


    Nicholas Thompson, the chief executive of quoted architect Aukett, has started 2006 with a round of office closures and redundancies.

  • Hough: No immediate plans for further acquisition

    Miller's Hough plans to build on Fairclough acquisition


    Chief executive Tim Hough intends to establish Miller Homes as a 5000-unit business after ‘troublesome' buy

  • Comment



    Our intrepid correspondent dodges gas explosions, endures Trust Mark's reality TV performance and braves breakfast with the indomitable Tony Pidgle

  • Features

    ‘Anyone can be a millionaire. it's so easy, it's boring'


    At 19 Duncan Bannatyne was behind bars. Today the entrepreneur and Dragons’ Den star has amassed £136m with shrewd investments in ice creams vans, care homes and gyms.

  • Dominic Helps

    The devious department


    The government has a long way to go to establish itself as a best practice client if this example of its conduct during the foot-and-mouth outbreak is typical

  • Tony Bingham

    The clues are all there …


    Under the DTI review, payers and payees call in the adjudicator if they can't agree how much is due. The referee must rule on the spat, but shouldn't play detective

  • Comment

    The subtle art of legal drafting


    On the surface, the JCT 2005 extensions of time clauses appear unchanged, but a closer look at the new wording suggests they could prove quite tricky

  • Comment

    Permanent revolution


    Over the past 10 years the value of partnering has become obvious. But there's still a long way to go, and firms that aren't part of the solution are part of the problem

  • Matthew Jones

    State your intentions


    A letter of intent is a valuable interim measure before agreeing a contract. Unfortunately there has never been a standard form to use - until now

  • Comment

    Mapping uncharted territories


    I have followed the spat between Colin Harding and Rab Bennetts about architects and integrated teams (Letters, 20 January) with interest.

  • Comment

    That joke isn't funny any more …


    I totally agree with the letter entitled "Back to the Dark Ages" (20 January, page 34). The image is indeed disturbing.I come across a lot of building trade press through my work and find the sexist and insulting content of some of the adverts really disappointing. Last year I wrote ...

  • Comment

    … get over it …


    Back to the Dark Ages? Correct! But I'm talking about Matthew Blurton's attitude!

  • Comment

    … laugh? I didn't, actually


    I was both saddened and pleased to read the letter regarding the shameful use of women in an advertisement for flooring.

  • Comment

    Always check the small print


    When someone uses a fallacious argument to justify an unwelcome announcement, you can be certain that there'll be repercussions!

  • Comment

    Inspired to follow the lord


    I was very interested to read your recent comment article by Richard Steer (20 January).

  • Comment

    New year, same old story


    Like Richard Steer, I have been mulling over the past year and wondering what will be repeated in 2006.