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  • Comment

    Sumitra's history lesson


    I quite agree with Graham Watts' comments about Ray O'Rourke and the right to free speech in this country (19 May, page 14). At least we know where Mr O'Rourke is coming from and I am sure there are others like him who keep silent.

  • Comment

    O'Rourke's worst fears?


    I know a lot will be written about Ray O'Rourke's comments on women and rightly so.

  • Comment

    Head for the golf course, Ray


    I have worked in the construction industry for 19 years. I am currently a bid manager and consider my time on site as a QS and design co-ordinator to have provided essential experience to enable me to lead and manage bids. The experience has ensured that I have a comprehensive ...

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    What can't we do?


    Perhaps there is no place in the industry for Ray O'Rourke? By saying that women should not work on building sites, all that is achieved is an enhanced perception of the industry as a bunch of masculine and unsophisticated builders. It is traditionalist and far from progressive.

  • Comment

    And finally …


    As a woman building surveyor I would like to ask Mr Ray O'Rourke where does he envisage us?

  • Comment

    Don't give them any ideas …


    The article "Party Wall Breakthrough" (Brick Bulletin, 28 April, page 3) details a method of party wall construction without plastering that meets the acoustic regulations.

  • Nearer, my god, to thee

    Nearer, my god, to thee


    This photo was taken in 1957 in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.

  • Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Jennie Price

    Sexual relations on site


    In a change to our schedule, our columnist will be taking her place in the ever-lengthening queue of women wearing boxing gloves who want to talk to Ray O'Rourke

  • Credit: Elliot Thoburn

    Shouldn't you be at work?


    Will Mr Jerk be able to provide enough Trinidadian food for everybody at Reid Architecture? Will the Scott Brownrigg beer keg be big enough? Will Lord Foster ‘do the Crouch'? With the answers to these questions and many more besides, George Hay presents a definitive guide to World Cup office ...

  • Denise Chevin

    The bitter taste of success


    Multiplex's victory over its steelwork contractor on Wembley stadium has left a nasty taste in the mouth.

  • News

    McCarthy on market for £1bn


    McCarthy & Stone, the retirement homes specialist, has entered talks with more than one party to sell the business.

  • News

    Shortlists released for London stations


    Network Rail has released a shortlist of developers for the upgrade of Euston and Victoria stations in London.

  • No photo finish required

    No photo finish required


    The 30,000-seat grandstand at Ascot Racecourse is to open for this year's royal meeting on 20 June.

  • Yvette Cooper

    Housebuilders raise alarm over cost of sustainable code


    House Builders Association tells planning minister Cooper of concerns that land supply will be undermined

  • News

    Government under fire over water in tough Lords report


    The government faced fresh pressure this week to cut its housing growth plans in the South-east after the publication of a House of Lords report.

  • News

    The Decent Estates standard


    The government has announced that it is expanding its council house improvement programme to cover bigger estate regeneration projects.

  • News

    EP at odds with council over Milton Keynes


    The English Partnerships-backed quango overseeing the development of Milton Keynes has set itself at loggerheads with local politicians by backing proposals to demolish large swaths of council housing.

  • Norman Haste

    Norman Haste joins Laing O'Rourke's Dubai team


    High-profile engineer Norman Haste resigns from two key UK posts to pursue opportunities in the Middle East

  • News

    Alfred McAlpine chairman to retire next year


    Alfred McAlpine, the construction and support services group, said in a statement on Tuesday that Oliver Whitehead, its chairman and former chief executive, intended to retire next June at the age of 65.