More news – Page 3517

  • Features

    Building intelligence Q1 2006: Why the blip?


    Experian Business Strategies reports on what happened in 2005 when construction output fell for the first time in a decade – and just how far the industry has to go to recover. Plus, how we compare with the overall economy, and the latest new work and R&M output and order ...

  • Jolly green clients

    Jolly green clients


    A strong urge to get back to nature – or at least become more sustainable – has gripped clients this year. Katie Puckett and Caroline Stocks discover how 50 of the biggest spenders are focusing their £12.1bn combined construction budget on all things green

  • Charlie Banks

    Wolseley revenue shoots up 25%


    Materials firm Wolseley announced this week that group revenue for the first 11 months of the financial year had risen 25% on the same period last year.

  • Comment

    The view from The Edge


    Burn, baby, burn - We’re meant to be saving energy, so why does it get cheaper the more you use

  • Hansom

    Speakers cornered


    Charles Kennedy spills the beans on how he winds up John Prescott, we find out why Zizou will never get ahead, batty ways to stop planning approval, and a lady’s honour is rescued by some quick thinking

  • Nick Townsend

    Brownfield is not always the answer


    Home front - The government must take a less dogmatic attitude to greenfield development

  • One strictly non-alcoholic smoothie coming up …

    Beyond the liquid lunch


    Congratulations on an insightful article (14 July, page 28) that starts to peel away the layers covering drug and alcohol abuse on site.

  • Comment

    Responsible journalism


    Last week’s Building provided particular amusement to my wife who has taken to flicking through the latest issue while we enjoy breakfast together on a Saturday.

  • Comment

    A for effort


    Your article “CABE: Half of schools are badly designed” (7 July, page 14) gives the wrong message and the report you refer to from CABE is a little out of date, failing as it does to acknowledge the substantial work recently done to improve school design.

  • Comment

    Mass appeal


    I was very interested in the measures required to upgrade a 100-year-old house in respect of thermal efficiency (7 July, page 44).

  • Comment

    Time for a new revolution


    Great Britain is a land covered with urban sprawl, most of it built more than 50 years ago when nobody considered valuing the environment they needed to exist in. The huge loss of energy from inefficient buildings is an embarrassment on a global level, as we initiated the Industrial Revolution.

  • The wrong trousers: Was Building reckless?

    Did Building slip up?


    What an excellent example to us all of health and safety awareness the front cover of Building (14 July) is. So much so that I hardly know where to start. However, I will try:

  • Comment

    While were on the subject


    Can I bring to your attention to an advert that your publication carried for “DHL exel supply chain”. The operative in the photograph is standing on the rail of the crane, which I understand is not good health and safety practice. Also the advert goes on to state DHL are ...

  • Comment

    Call in the taxman


    Energy efficiency taxation would be an incentive to effect a programme of energy savings.

  • Comment

    Me, a cynic?


    I have often been forced down the lawyer path of giving construction dispute advice with the preamble of “on the one hand, and on the other”. I was thus somewhat surprised to read that Helen Garthwaite (23 June, page 80) has the confidence to take a firm view.

  • Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Features

    Level best


    The winners of this year’s Housing Design Awards, announced yesterday, range from tall blocks of flats to low-rise terraces. Martin Spring reports on the latest exemplars of high-density urban housing

  • Ian Tyler

    We dont shout from the rooftops’


    … in fact Balfour Beatty’s boss shuns all industry and media attention. But here Angela Monaghan coaxes Ian Tyler into revealing what makes the man with the biggest job in construction tick.

  • John Redmond

    A twist in the tale


    Here’s the story of a hot-shot construction lawyer, his fussy wife, a builder who was never there, a bizarre contract and a house in the country …

  • Tony Bingham

    Just call me Rambo


    When did mediation get taken over by tree-huggers who refuse to discuss the merits of the case? Well, no more. If it stops daft cases ending up in court, then mediators should be free to take a more aggressive approach