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  • Richard Steer

    Image aware


    Companies spend millions protecting and promoting their brands. Now the Olympic Committee is trying to make “London 2012” into the next superbrand, but can you really claim ownership of a date and a city’s name?

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint of milk


    … for Turner & Townsend

  • News

    White Young Green hunts energy and transport firms


    Consultant White Young Green intends to grow its energy and transport markets through acquisitions, it told Building this week.

  • Hansom

    Blitz spirit


    It’s the 1940s again, with Spitfires soaring overhead, liberty ships lurking in the Thames Estuary and an attempt to reshape London’s landscape that is about as popular as the Luftwaffe’s

  • News

    Seven shortlisted for novel build-and-manage homes


    Seven developers have been shortlisted for a scheme in Gloucester, which they will be expected to build and manage.

  • Comment

    Quality over quantity


    Your editorial on Building Schools for the Future (3 November, page 3) got the wrong end of the stick. The real challenge for Tim Byles is not to deliver 3,500 schools or to spend £45bn; it is to find a way to marry quantity with quality.

  • Three years into the BSF programme, only one project has reached financial close: this Wilkinson Eyre-designed scheme in Bristol

    BSF fails the history test


    Building Schools for the Future may be in deep trouble. After a six-month review, Pricewaterhouse Coopers is expected to supply a solution.

  • Comment

    Less competition won’t help


    There is no such thing as a free lunch, especially with consultants or bidders. Someone has to pay. Your editorial about school bids urges less competition and less regulation. Three bids are the minimum basis for competitive tenders to indicate the area of price. Extend your logic, why have any ...

  • Comment

    A lesson plan


    What a sad story of waste and stupidity (3 November). In a week when our children are reported to be the worst in Europe, our government creates so much red tape that it costs a contractor £2m to be unsuccessful in bidding for Building Schools for the Future.

  • Comment

    Don’t close the college!


    We the undersigned are all leaders in the construction industry, and we back the National Construction College in its fight for survival. Your editorial piece and associated feature (Building, 29 September) highlighted perfectly the scale of the investment challenge that the College faces.

  • Comment

    Don’t try this at home, kids


    We’re doing wrong by our children all over the letters page this week. Andy Hopkins, a planning supervisor at BCHT Group, sent us this snap of devil-may-care window fitters in a Bradford school zone. Should do wonders for construction recruitment …

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Foster’s building, the Leslie L Dan School of Pharmacy in the University of Toronto features two symmetrical pods, suspended from the ceiling of the five-storey glass atrium

    Foster joins the pod people


    This Toronto university faculty looks like a tribute to Will Alsop, but it’s a very Foster building, too

  • Tom Broughton

    How to play the green card


    David Cameron rode into Westminster on his bicycle almost a year ago as the new leader of the opposition, and promptly captured the high ground on what is becoming the leading domestic issue of the day – climate change.

  • Tony Bingham

    Make time wasters pay


    At the moment there is no bill for court costs but action needs to be taken against defendants who insist on playing silly games and pile up court costs on the way

  • Comment

    First, engage the brain


    What do Olympic venues and nuclear decommissioning have in common? Both require contracts that force the project team to think through everything that is to happen – which makes them ideal for NEC3

  • Dean Webster

    Today India, tomorrow the world


    Cyril Sweett boss Dean Webster on the firm’s plans for international growth

  • Features

    Five days in June


    Although it’s mostly a question of hobnobbing and hats, the punters at Royal Ascot do like to see the races as well. Mark Leftly and Tom Broughton report on why its new grandstand was built with restricted views, and what’s being done to put it right

  • David Cameron

    ‘I can’t tell you on the hoof what our policy would be’


    Finding out where David Cameron stands on the big questions is a tricky matter, but at least he is starting by putting his own house in order. Thomas Lane spoke exclusively to the Tory leader, then met the architect and builder who are tackling the green makeover of his family ...

  • Features

    130 go mad in Stockholm


    Give 130 young engineers £65,000 and a conference hall in Stockholm and what do you get? Emily Wright discovered the answer at WSP’s latest Taskforce jamboree