More news – Page 3365

  • News

    Reid to hold prison talks with contractors


    Contractors on the Prison Service’s framework have been called in to a meeting by John Reid, the home secretary, to discuss the provision of space for 8,000 extra prisoners by 2012.

  • Geoff Irvine

    Hanson acquires bricklaying contractor Irvine-Whitlock


    FTSE 100 materials group aims to lay bricks as well as supplying them

  • The Caspar scheme is to be demolished after it was deemed impossible to repair

    Kajima buys Caspar to avoid writ


    Kajima was forced to buy Caspar, its troubled housing scheme in Leeds city centre, to protect itself from legal claims.

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    Star architects donate time to South African housing


    Top British practices pair up with local firms to create affordable dwellings for Cape Town

  • News

    Clients fear contractor gap


    KPMG survey finds shortage of qualified suppliers is employers’ single biggest challenge

  • High-quality tile flooring sets off the display models at the BMW dealership in High Wycombe

    Cost model: Car showrooms


    Those temples to the automobile can be lavish enterprises, with double-height glazing, blazing lights and costly stone floors. And that’s before you even get into the realms of internet cafes and branded clothing. Maxwell Wilkes of Davis Langdon offers an unbeatable all-in price

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint … for Land Securities


    Most of the team are halfway through their first beers by the time Steve and I arrive at 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon.

  • Yes, we have no bananas – and not many project managers with a construction background, apparently

    Every little helps


    How refreshing to see somebody point out the exodus of staff from Tesco’s property division at last. I spent several years as a consultant for Tesco, working almost exclusively on its developments, and saw a number of changes over the years. In the past ten years it became more “ruthlessly ...

  • Comment

    Poaching QSs


    There is a clear shortage of well-trained QSs today, as the list of any agency will illustrate. Last week, after trying to get my equity partner to defect, an agency asked if he knew anyone else in the firm interested in moving.

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    A dead loss


    I was disappointed to read the article about the Dead Sea project (23 February).

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    Spitting image


    The artist who painted the intrepid Mr Bingham this week needs his hands breaking!

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    Modern life is rubbish


    I was delighted to read the demolition of modern methods of construction (MMC) by Sir Digby Jones. The practice of bureaucrats deciding what is modern and what isn’t without criteria or supporting science is wasteful.

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    A risky game


    It isn’t just crane drivers who find themselves under pressure to “play the game and take risks to save time”. Just a few weeks ago an acquaintance who drives diggers was saying much the same thing.

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    Birds eye view


    I think your report (23 February) on the ban on building near warblers is biased and incorrect in omitting the fact that English Nature was reacting to a EU directive when it recommended building restrictions.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher and a special mystery prize worth £95?

  • The arch rises high above the stadium to give visitors a dramatic sense of arrival

    Get in!


    As we approach the final deadline for Wembley, it looks like Multiplex may be about to pull its shirt over its head and land a kneeling skid at the corner flag. But haven’t we heard that somewhere before?

  • The prototype Digital House was erected at the Architecture Foundation’s gallery in four days. It now awaits cladding

    The digi-box


    Want a three-storey extension to a grade II-listed building in less than a day? Or a house that’s been digitally manufactured to be as easy to assemble as an Airfix model? Martin Spring visits two projects that are taking off-site manufacture to the next level

  • News

    Rok seeks more acquisitions and bigger margins


    Garvis Snook, chief executive of Rok, is on the hunt for more acquisitions, and has set ambitious targets for margins after the contractor posted record results.

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    WSP profit soars to £28m


    International consultant WSP will focus on growth in the energy market in the coming year after posting a pre-tax profit of £28m for the full year.

  • News

    Mears to take over eldery care group for £22m


    Mears is preparing to buy a firm in the elderly care services sector for £22m, after announcing a double-digit rise in pre-tax profit.