More news – Page 3358

  • Ken Shuttleworth

    Shuttleworth given crucial schools role


    Cabe asks architect to recruit 30-strong panel to ratchet up standards

  • Zaha Hadid’s Wolfsburg Science Centre in central Germany

    Country focus: Germany


    In the first of our country-specific economic profiles, we look at Germany, where the market has grown for the first time in 10 years. Meinhard Rudolph and John Atkins of EC Harris report

  • Features

    The big ask


    In our series of head to heads, new members of professional institutes put tough questions to their leaders. Here, Andrew Link asks Michael Brown, deputy chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Building, about the old boys’ network and why anyone should join the CIOB

  • Features

    Now all this is the client’s problem ...


    As Building’s many health and safety blunder photos show, the UK’s construction sites remain hairy old places to work. What has changed is that the CDM regulations are about to put more responsibility for policing them on the employer. Katie Puckett finds out just how much – and how five ...

  • Features

    Calling all green gurus


    Zero waste, carbon negative buildings and throw in a flood contingency plan while you’re at it – sustainable construction has become a thriving industry within an industry. Its pioneers are shaping the future and their skills are much in demand. Building asked a selection of the industry’s leading lights to ...

  • The first frame was lifted on to the site on Sunday evening

    Religious conversion


    Replacing a kiosk at St Paul’s Cathedral demanded an intricate, well-prepared crane operation – wings and prayers didn’t come into it.

  • Dominic Helps

    If at first you don’t succeed ...


    A lot of firms seem to think that if they lose an adjudication, they can try again with a different adjudicator. Ah, but what happens when they finally win and the other side won’t pay?

  • Alex Smith

    Get off the sofa


    The zero-carbon revolution starts at home according to a Building blog, so switch off that energy-devouring plasma TV or risk being shopped to Alex Smith’s web police ...

  • Tarek Merlin

    Space race


    There’s a yawning chasm between the type of homes developers are building, and the homes people want to live in. So how do we bridge the gap – and provide that all-important storage space?

  • Hansom

    Party poopers


    Multiplex boss Martin Tidd misses his own bash, while Richard Steer travels half way around the world to attend one he doesn’t want to. Thank goodness Geoff Irvine knows how to celebrate

  • Bob Holt (left) and Stuart Black

    The severed alliance


    Back in 2004 it looked as though social housing firm Mears had picked a dream team. Bob Holt and Stuart Black, the bruiser and the wunderkind, were together at the helm of a City darling. So why did Black walk?

  • Tom Broughton

    A great leap forwards


    Over the past nine months it has been easy to dismiss David Miliband’s carbon rhetoric as that of a fairytale emperor convinced that his invisible clothes were the finest in the land.

  • Changes at the top: Wyatt and Bonfield will hold key positions after the restructure

    BRE unveils five-year plan to double turnover to £80m


    Surprise expansion programme to include restructuring, organic growth and acquisitions

  • Eye on the future: Woolwich Royal Military Academy

    ‘Urban village’ to be built on former military training site


    John McAslan to oversee conversion of Woolwich listed buildings and construction of new-build

  • News

    Amec and Costain hit by multimillion-pound losses


    Contractors post losses of £109m and £62m respectively following last year’s writedowns

  • News

    Industry praises plan for carbon reduction law


    CPA and RIBA welcome bill that would bind government to 60% emissions cuts by 2050

  • Richard Rogers

    Rogers pulls out of Olympic velopark


    Richard Rogers Partnership has ruled itself out of any large venues at the 2012 games

  • Comment

    The green mile


    The road to a sustainable future is long and hard, with tricky obstacles and high costs along the way. Here Tom Bloxham suggests how the government could lead by example

  • Tony Bingham

    Pulling a fast one


    Tony Bingham A court in Scotland was asked to give summary judgment against a builder. The judge refused because he said it was too soon to make a binding decision. What would the adjudicator have done?

  • Comment

    My favourites ...


    Graham Hand