More news – Page 3333

  • Features

    Innovative electrical production


    EC Power has developed the XRGI, a micro combined heat and power (CHP) generator.

  • Features

    Flat plate solar collector


    Heating products maker Vaillant has added the Aurotherm VFK 900 to its solar heating range.

  • Features

    Sanyo air conditioning


    Sanyo Air Conditioners has launched an air-conditioning system partially powered by photovoltaic (PV) panels.

  • Features

    Waterless urinals


    Swiss company Urimat has launched its waterless urinal in the UK.

  • Viessmann’s Telford base, from where it has supplied a wide range of UK projects

    Viessmann: Blowing hot and cold


    With changing climates and regulations, temperature-control systems are becoming increasingly diverse. Graham Blandford of heating specialist Viessmann tells us more.

  • Features

    High scoring letters


    A new qualification, the CEnv for sustainability specialists, has joined a crowded marketplace. But is it worth adding yet more letters after your name?

  • Features

    Spring of hope


    Experian Business Strategies’ latest survey of UK contractors shows that the busy start to the year has continued into spring, with the civil engineering sector leading the way

  • Emirates Stadium, north London

    They are the champions


    This year, for the first time, the Building Awards included the Building Project of the Year, for the best completed scheme. Martin Spring reviews the five runners-up and the winner, Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for ...


    Richard Watkins & Associates

  • Features

    Building intelligence Q4 2006: Here we grow


    As Experian Business Strategies reports, rising private investment is balancing out the end of the public sector boom, housing is still growing and the only worries are interest rates and a shaky US

  • Features

    Why does this place matter to you?


    You might not recognise Berlaymont, the headquarters of the European commission, but it makes more of a difference to your working lives than ever. To mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, Mark Leftly went to Brussels and came back with nine reasons why you ignore it at ...

  • News

    March is boom month for industry


    March is likely to go down as one of the best ever months for UK construction, according to early economic indicators.

  • Hansom

    A curse upon ye


    Scottish builders jinx Wembley by burying tartan scarves under the pitch, while Vernon Kay is forced to field hate mail from sensitive scaffolders. At least the Housing Corporation enjoyed a bit of luck ...

  • News

    The finishing line in sight


    Wates Living Space has celebrated the topping out of a tower block that will have a grandstand view of the Olympics Games.

  • News

    ‘Poll tax’ for Surrey developers


    Surrey council has given the go-ahead to a “poll tax” on housing developments in the county.

  • Comment

    Lets talk about this


    I have been interested to read the responses from quantity surveyors to my letter published in Building (23 March, page 34).

  • Comment

    CSCS cards accepted here


    As a card-carrying member of the CSCS fraternity, I was delighted to actually find a use for my black contract managers’ card recently: it is welcome as a form of identification when paying for goods by credit card in New York!

  • Comment

    Stick to the plan


    Your article (13 April, page 13) was right to highlight the difficulties posed by local authorities having the autonomy to set their own standards for new homes.

  • Comment

    Qualifications what you need


    I was interested to read the KPMG research into the shortage of qualified contractors (9 March, page 16).

  • Comment

    Bosses, commit to apprentices


    Recent statistics showing a sharp fall in apprenticeships (, 29 March) surprised me because they are not reflected by the industry’s experience.