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  • Features

    Turf’s up


    TigerTurf has made artificial turf for sports, leisure and landscaping in the UK since 2001.

  • Features

    And now, the end is near ...


    On 1 July, England becomes officially smoke free, joining Wales and Scotland. From that date, smoking will be illegal in all public buildings and places of work and in vehicles used for business. The ban is set to have a big effect on the design, use and management of retail ...

  • Sir Crispin Tickell

    Where did it all go?


    One of the things Blair’s tenure is certain to be remembered for is the surge of public spending that began in his third year in office. Here, Angela Monaghan, Mark Leftly and Sarah Richardson explain what it was spent on

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for …


    the Construction Confederation

  • Ben Stevenson

    The class of 1997


    Tony isn’t the only one who had an eventful decade. These industry professionals all graduated in 1997 and have been climbing the career ladder ever since. Katie Puckett asks them if things really did get better, for them and for construction

  • Features

    Decline and fall of the construction minister


    The construction industry has never been one of the most glamorous portfolios in government, but there was a time when it carried some clout. Under Tony Blair it has been shunted between departments and given less and less ministerial time. Mark Leftly looks at the politicians who’ve taken it on

  • Colin Harding

    It started so well …


    … but then Nick Raynsford left, laments Colin Harding

  • Comment

    My favourites ...


    Chris Horsfall

  • Hansom

    Action heroes


    As Wembley succumbs to marauding zombies, we check on the whereabouts of the Taekwondo Kid and Ray Winstone, and ponder whether Gordon Brown will be architects’ knight in shining armour

  • Comment

    Can I correct a couple of things


    Your diary item Passport to Nowhere (13 April, page 31), makes a few mistakes about the proposed network of passport interview offices.

  • Comment

    The bigger picture


    With the continuing debate over the safety of timber frame, multistorey construction has failed to move forward. Individuals are beating the drum about the benefits of one material over another, but surely fire-safe building design and appropriate construction training is more important?

  • Comment

    For arts sake


    I read Tarek Merlin’s column (4 May, pages 34-45) with interest. Public Art South West is the regional development agency for public art but we work across the UK and have international links.

  • Comment

    The research is on


    Regarding your leader article “An Invisible Crisis” (4 May, page 3), I agree that the government has abandoned research investment over the past 10 years.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Features

    Aylesbury and after


    When Blair made his first speech as prime minister on south London’s Aylesbury estate, it was an illustration of the immense task Labour faced in regenerating Britain’s inner cities, and a symbol of its determination to tackle it. Overleaf, we look at what it did. But first, Mark Leftly returned ...

  • Features

    The return of urban living


    Tom Bloxham on the recolonisation of the city centre

  • Tony Blair, June 1997: "There must be no forgotten people, no no-hope areas"

    Four big ideas


    David Blackman looks back on the multibillion-pound initiatives that defined the era

  • Features

    The Blair years


    It’s always been said that construction does well under Labour, but when Tony Blair came to power in 1997 nobody would have dreamed just how well.

  • Features

    Blair on Blair


    Margaret Ford, our guest editor and a woman who was close to the business end of New Labour’s policies, quizzed the prime minister on his record on the built environment

  • Features

    The fall from Eden


    The Blair years began with wonderful attractions and tube stations, continued through drab PFIs and ended with creeping paranoia, says Gus Alexander