More news – Page 3288

  • Features

    War on waste


    What we’re up against

  • The York building contains 18% recycled materials

    Follow the team leader


    Building users are getting used to recycling their waste, but what about the people who construct it? British land is one client that knows the benefits from meeting sustainability targets and feels a responsibility to take a lead

  • Features

    About WRAP


    WRAP works in partnership to encourage and enable businesses and consumers to be more efficient in their use of materials and recycle more things more often. This helps to minimise landfill, reduce carbon emissions and improve our environment.

  • Features

    Better by design


    Designing out waste at the very start saves time and money, and it’s green

  • David Higgins

    First word


    reducing waste and making use of recycled materials is no longer the preserve the minority. In fact, the uk’s biggest construction project is leading the way, says david higgins, chief executive of the Olympic delivery authority

  • Features

    Stay ahead of the rules and regs


    Construction might be ahead of the game, but with waste mired in a legal minefield, make sure you know what your obligations are By Joe Griffiths, a partner in Manches

  • Features

    Behind the wall


    Her majesty’s prisons are already great at recycling. now they’re setting ambitious targets on waste reduction and building materials

  • Features

    Balancing the books


    Help is at hand for sites seeking waste-neutral construction – a free, web-based toolkit to measure waste and recycling

  • Features

    Coming around again


    Prodded by the government, clients and the spiralling cost of landfill, contractors are getting better at recycling. we report on efforts to tackle aggregates, timber, plastic, plasterboard and glass

  • Features

    The right tool for the job


    How many recycled products have you specified on that project? how could you use more? wrap’s recycled content toolkit can tell you. Here, three users explain how it works

  • Features

    A look inside Terminal 5


    Progressive waste management at The largest construction site in europe could make a huge dent in the industry’s waste footprint. was the opportunity missed at T5, or did it blaze a trail?

  • Features

    Dazzling achievement


    Martin Spring heads to the Wirral to see how Wallasey’s pioneering solar school is holding up, 46 years after it was built. Then, on page 50, find out how the 21st century does solar in the first of a series on renewable technologies

  • Douglas Genge

    ‘We’re going to tell people this is what happened to us...


    ...and watch out, because it could happen to you, too’

  • Richard Steer

    Gekko redux


    Back in the eighties, Hollywood’s apotheosis of the cynical, sleazy financier had a real-life counterpart in the contractors who used new procurement systems to fleece hapless clients. And now they’re coming back …

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for...


    Metropolitan Workshop

  • Katherine Bailey and Cathy Stewart

    Does the industry still need women in property?


    The all-female networking club is celebrating its 20th birthday. But does it still need to exist in 2007? We get two opposing views

  • Features

    Shining examples: PV and solar thermal examined


    By the middle of the century the sun could provide 10% of the UK’s energy needs. In the first part of a series on renewable and low-carbon technologies, Alistair King assesses the two systems – photovoltaics and solar thermal – that will help us to meet that target

  • Comment

    Flaming ridiculous


    What a delightful irony it was to have an advert from those astute concrete people, depicting the Colindale fire, placed opposite an announcement for your zero-carbon conference (18 May, pages 50-51) – all that previously sequestered carbon being put back into the atmosphere!

  • Comment

    Yesterdays man


    Lord Lawson has long been a bucket on the tiller of sane attempts to steer the UK towards a smart, efficient, renewable low-carbon economy.

  • Comment

    Bigger isn’t better …


    I read with great interest your recent article on the possible formation of a trade body to work closely with the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) to deliver maintenance in the social housing sector (18 May, page 14).