More news – Page 3275

  • Ian Yule

    A little light relief


    A revised Treasury document on PFI contracts makes some useful changes – for instance, on variations and on dispute resolution. It should make life slightly easier for building contractors

  • News

    Doubts over Construction Act revamp


    The DTI unveiled its proposals to revamp the Construction Act on Wednesday, but there are already questions over whether it will ever be made law.

  • News

    McCloud drops Bioregional Quintain from TV scheme


    Television design personality enters talks with smaller partner over West Country venture

  • News

    Multiplex faces more Wembley costs


    Multiplex has still to reach financial settlement with at least five key contractors on its Wembley stadium project.

  • News

    Bucknall Austin rebrands for global expansion strategy


    QS renames itself Rider Levett Bucknall as it ties up with two consultants in the Far East

  • News

    Industry swings behind energy tests for new homes


    Government reports wide support for 2016 zero-carbon target and compulsory assessment

  • The Lake House

    Lake Shore House, Bristol


    Overview: A guide to an ambitious new sustainable development from innovative developer Urban Splash in the West Country

  • News

    ‘And they said I was mad …’


    We would like to stress that the cow in the foreground is in no way implicated in this rather spectacular health and safety breach, spotted somewhere in the wilds of Northumbria by Dale Heaton of Wrekin Housing Trust

  • Peter Hain

    Goodbye Mr prescott, hello…


    On Sunday Labour will elect its new deputy leader. Of the six candidates, only two have garnered the support of the three major construction unions: Peter Hain and Jon Cruddas. Cruddas tells Mark Leftly why he is still the outsider and Hain talks tough to Dan Stewart. Portraits by ...

  • Savill Garden visitor centre in Windsor Park, Berkshire, by Glen Howells Architects

    Cost model: Visitor centres


    Visitor centres give clients and their designers a great opportunity to make an architectural statement. At the same time, a lot of functions need to be squeezed into compact buildings. Neal Kalita of Davis Langdon examines how style and function can be reconciled

  • Comment

    Join our gang


    I read with interest the article about contractors speaking with the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) about creating a trade body to discuss procurement of maintenance work for social housing (18 May, page 14).

  • Comment

    Told you so


    It was hardly a great surprise to hear that the design for the Olympic park was being “pared down” (25 May, page 9). In fact, it was predicted by those who were sceptical of the project from day one.

  • Comment

    An inspector gripes


    I am writing in response to your articles on the delayed introduction of home information packs (Hips) and the RICS’ stance on the scheme.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Features

    In times of famine


    In the second part of our shortages series Katie Puckett examines how the ever-increasing demand from Asia and Europe is pushing the price of raw materials sky high

  • The Lighthouse: code level 6

    … and cut!


    The politicians may want to reduce domestic carbon emissions to zero, but it’s the physicists and engineers that will decide whether it can be done. Thomas Lane took a trip to Watford to look the latest technology in the latest prototypes

  • News

    Sustainability awards 2007


    With green issues at the top of everyone’s agenda Building’s new and improved awards this year aim to cut through the greenwash and recognise organisations who really take sustainability seriously

  • Features

    Might as well try and catch the wind


    Micro-turbines may be the height of fashion, but are they any good? In the third part of our series on renewable energy sources, Alistair King finds out more

  • Comment

    Go on, shock me


    Football chants, wearing Gilbert & George cufflinks, designing Middle Eastern cities of the future … it’s all so conformist. And when even virtual worlds smack of the pack mentality, something has to be done

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for …

