More news – Page 3258

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    Work jollies


    I was interested to read your recent Building Buys a Pint with the networking organisation, Forum for the Built Environment (29 July, page 34-35). The topics ranged from the smoking ban to the hirsute nature of women in property and construction.

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    The TA needs you …


    Great article about the Territorial Army and the insight into what it offers. I recently joined and wish I had done so years ago.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Early drawings of the scheme by Eden Project designer Grimshaw

    Water fight


    The Nirah freshwater aquarium will provide vital scientific research and – at four times the size of the Eden Project – is set to be a huge tourism boost for Bedford. So why has it had to endure an almighty struggle to get planning consent?

  • Hansom

    Turning the tables


    Things naturally fall apart, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun sticking them back together, as we demonstrate in many different ways this week, from dips in the briney to wooden hats

  • David Pretty

    The plight of the ‘new poor’


    Here are 10 measures that we must implement if young people are to have any hope of buying homes

  • News

    A green oasis


    A team including consulting engineer Buro Happold has won a competition to design a government district in Tripoli, the capital of Libya.

  • Denise Chevin

    Gordon Brown vs the housing crisis


    There wasn’t too much we hadn’t heard before in Gordon Brown’s preview of the next Queen’s speech, and it was pretty short on detail, but the message came over loud and clear: if his predecessor’s top priorities were education, education, education, his are housing, housing and housing.

  • News

    Hackney rebuffed


    Hackney council looks like it has been defeated in its attempt to prevent superdense development spreading to the east London borough.

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    English Partnerships to insist on bigger homes


    English Partnerships (EP) is to require that houses built on its sites offer greater space.

  • News

    Density backlash


    Anti-superdensity feeling increased last week after Islington council in north London vetoed plans for a 39-storey residential block on the outskirts of the City.

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    Park Hill revamp


    Developer Urban Splash has revealed detailed plans for its £146m redevelopment of the Park Hill estate in Sheffield.

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    RIBA vs Arts Council


    The RIBA is to meet with the Arts Council over its decision to drop its subsidy for Architecture Week.

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    Berks business park


    McBains Cooper has won a contract to cost manage a £100m business park in Berkshire for client Sergo.

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    Bluestone on fire


    Bluestone has won a £46m deal to construct a fire station and a police and fire headquarters in Poole in Dorset, and another fire station in Poundbury, also in Dorset.

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    Eco action plan


    Trade bodies including the Institution of Civil engineers have announced an action plan called the Sustainable Development Strategy to help meet sustainability targets.

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    Derwent footbridge


    Dean & Dyball Construction is to design and build a £3.3m footbridge over the River Derwent in Derby as part of a £3.8m scheme by Derby City Partnership.

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    The Hanging Garden of Fenchurch Street


    Planning permission has finally been granted for Land Securities’ Fenchurch Street Tower after being called in.

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    Sheffield mall architects named


    Hammerson has appointed five architects to its £500m New Retail Quarter project in Sheffield.

  • News

    ECB lets 500m job


    The European Central Bank has called for tenders to build a £500m headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.