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    Movers and makers


    This week

  • Features

    Plume management kit


    Buderus has introduced a plume management kit for use with its domestic, gas-fired, wall-hung boiler range.

  • Features

    Slip-resistant ground covering


    Stirling Lloyd has launched a range of pre-formed slip-resistant coverings for stairways, ramps, vehicular routes or walkways where fully bonded systems cannot be used.

  • Features

    Navigational tool for fire-fighters


    Notifier, a maker of fire alarm technology, has unveiled Onyx Firstvision, a navigational tool for firefighters.

  • Features

    Hybrid fire detection solution


    Fire Detection Products is offering a hybrid fire alarm system, designed for sites in which it is difficult to install cables.

  • Features

    Gas interlock system


    Caledonian Control Technology (CCT) has launched a safety control for commercial kitchens, which prevents gas from being turned on if the ventilation system is not operating correctly.

  • Features

    Escape route sign


    Zumtobel Lighting has launched an illuminated escape route sign called Puresign. It features a silver anodised frame, which measures 306 × 156 × 28mm, and comes with a selection of pictographs, back-lit by LEDs.

  • Features

    Flush-fit consumer units


    Hager has launched a range of flush-fit consumer units for solid and partition walls, which it says are fast to install.

  • Features

    The sound of silence


    David Holder from CMS Acoustic Solutions explains how his company seeks to cut noise transmission on projects from modern apartments to schools for the deaf

  • Features

    What to remember: CDM regulations


    To explain the revised CDM regulations, guidance with information on each team member’s responsibilities is available on the internet.

  • Comment

    Snakes and lizards


    I have for many years read and enjoyed articles written by Colin Harding. However, from what he says in Talking lizards (29 June, pages 34-35), he seems to be coming off the rails.

  • Comment

    Erroneous arguments


    I was interested to read Edward Whipp’s views on masonry and brickwork (6 July, page 78).

  • Comment

    More pressure


    I have been reading your “Under pressure” series with interest. At Malcolm Hollis, we are undertaking a development monitoring role on the BBC’s Broadcasting House refurbishment on behalf of Morgan Stanley and are very aware of the materials shortage.

  • Comment

    Reaching our limit


    As a reader of “Limits to growth”, I rate the Building article “More than we can handle” (15 June, page 40) as a living testimony to the tipping point that the Club of Rome forecast all those years ago.

  • Comment

    A simple solution


    Why are we building half as many houses as we did in the sixties? Because the public sector has stopped building its half.

  • Comment

    It doesnt fit the fitters


    Having read your article The Handover (6 July, page 36) I sincerely hope that there is not to be a continuation of this one-size-fits-all approach in the Strategic Forum.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Akron’s classical brick art museum has been spectacularly extended

    Ohio silver: Coop Himmelb(l)au


    Austrian architect Coop Himmelb(l)au has added sweeping glass walls, a jutting roof and a whole lot of metal to a Midwestern art gallery

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for …



  • Colin Harding

    The Prince of Wails


    Colin Harding has been writing his column for 20 years now. Looking back over that time, the single most significant event was probably Prince Charles’ attack on architects, and the howls of protest that followed it …