More news – Page 3243

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    Put it in writing


    The claimant, Mott MacDonald Ltd (MM), is a specialist construction engineering consultant. It undertook a variety of engineering services for the defendant, property developer London & Regional Properties Ltd (LRP) in relation to the phase 2 infrastructure works for a business park at Park Royal, London. These services, which included ...

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    Supreme indifference


    The construction industry has largely ignored the JCT’s prime cost contract, largely because it doesn’t do prime cost procurement. But that may change in the near future …

  • Richard Steer

    Here’s the pitch


    Our industry will never have the skills or resources to communicate to a mass audience in the way of a great film director like Sydney Pollack, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a trick or two ...

  • Comment

    Hot air


    The HSE’s concerns about gasometers prompted a bullish response from Ken Livingstone – and plenty of comment on Building’s website. Here’s Phil Clark with the edited highlights

  • Capita works: The Wales Millennium Centre by Capita Percy Thomas

    Capita Symonds to create UK’s fifth biggest architect


    Capita Architecture to be formed out of three subsidiaries, with more purchases on the cards

  • News

    Government pledges £8bn for affordable housing


    Green paper commits to building 70,000 social and shared ownership homes in next three years

  • Carillion

    Carillion goes to court over scrapped £1.2bn deal


    Contractor sues Bradford council for £40m over contract – and others may follow suit if it wins

  • Denise Chevin

    Policies for a rainy day


    In hindsight, Yvette Cooper probably wishes she’d waited for a break in the weather before launching her green paper.

  • John Armitt

    Armitt predicts Olympics “hiccups and tensions”


    Incoming ODA chairman claims budget under control and defends the logo

  • Tony Bingham

    You bought it, you pay for it


    Question: When does a main contractor have to pay a subcontractor for work that it hasn’t done? Answer: When it agreed a fixed-price lump sum contract based on issued drawings …

  • Comment

    Building windmills in Cloud Cuckoo Land


    Open mike — The GLA wants office buildings to generate 20% of the energy they use. The only problem with this, says Richard Kauntze, is it can’t be done. So here’s a proposal that will work

  • News

    Housing output ‘set to fall’ in next two years


    Private housing output is set to fall over the next two years as land shortages take their toll, according to the latest forecast from market analyst Experian.

  • Longbridge: an ideal eco-town?

    Backlash against eco-towns


    The government should focus more on improving housing in urban areas instead of building eco-towns, according to the regeneration director of Birmingham council.

  • News

    Industry drafted in to help areas stricken by floods


    Construction firms prepare to lead recovery effort as housebuilders count cost of flooding

  • Wind turbine

    Zero carbon ‘adds 30% to cost’


    Cost of going zero carbon in 2016 could add 30% to the average construction cost of a home

  • Comment

    What’s the best way to build a tower?


    Tall buildings are shooting up all over Britain. This raises the question: which procurement route should you use to construct them? Here’s the first of two articles on this very question

  • Bob Rendell

    Making it big


    Company focus Leadbitter used to be run out of a kitchen … now its turnover is set to hit £265m

  • News

    Zero carbon ‘adds 30% to cost’


    The cost of going zero carbon in 2016 could add 30% to the average construction cost of a home. This equates to a £25,000 increase in the cost of a dwelling.

  • % Campaign logo

    Parliament inquiry to tackle energy inefficient housing


    Key victory for Building's 99% Campaign as committee looks at how CO2 can be cut from existing housing stock

  • Margaret Ford

    Margaret Ford to join Canadian bank


    Margaret Ford will take up position at Royal Bank of Canada after she steps down as chair of English Partnerships