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  • News

    Housing starts fall by 8%


    Government’s 3 million homes target suffers blow as starts look set to fall behind completions

  • Tony Bingham

    Thank you, m’lud


    Judge Coulson ruled recently that a court can pause a case and direct the parties to adjudicate their differences away. Which, apart from anything else, is a real vote of confidence in adjudication …

  • Comment

    A lesson in realism


    Generating 60% of our schools’ energy from on-site renewable sources may sound like a great idea, but the figures don’t add up. Bill Watts takes today’s maths class

  • News

    Tesco rejigs development team after exodus


    Tesco, one of the industry’s biggest commercial clients, has restructured its development team after a raft of further high-profile departures.

  • Cummings: Was keen for management buyout

    Erinaceous shares plunge


    Shares in Erinaceous were in freefall this week after it became the latest victim of the turmoil in the global credit markets when it announced that it was no longer in talks with any party over a sale or management buyout of the company.

  • Summr floods

    Industry called in to prevent repeat of flooding crisis


    Defra commissions consultant Entec to devise flood-proofing strategy

  • Safer Skyline campaign

    Tower crane action plan


    Leading industry figures pledge to improve tower crane safety

  • Comment

    Clear as mud


    The House of Lords’ ruling in the Melville Dundas case confused everybody about the Construction Act’s payment rules. Now the courts are trying to get things straight again

  • Birchall: Was managing director for just 18 months

    Birchall forced out of Rider Levett Bucknall


    Managing director of rebranded Bucknall Austin leaves as board seeks ‘different style’

  • Simon Birchall

    Birchall forced out of Rider Levett Bucknall


    Managing director of rebranded Bucknall Austin leaves as board seeks ‘different style’

  • News

    Kier grabs No 1 spot in July with £375m of work


    Business barometer — Public projects take contractor to the top but Balfour retains annual lead

  • Housing starts fall 8%

    Housing starts fall by 8%


    Government’s 3 million homes target suffers blow as starts look set to fall behind completions

  • Comment

    Riddle me this


    If you see something going wrong on a building site, do you have a legal duty to tell someone? This is a simple question with no simple answer, says Rupert Choat. But here’s the latest thinking …

  • News

    Building boom at seven-year high


    The building boom has reached a seven-year high, a report from the Construction Products Association (CPA) revealed this week.

  • News

    Merged QS to float on AIM


    Three UK quantity surveyors to form Baqus and embark on aggressive acquisition strategy

  • News

    Hips rolled out to three-bed houses


    It was confirmed last week that the Home Information Pack (Hip) scheme will be extended to three-bedroom homes, amid further criticism of the programme.

  • The speed of things: Bucharest is benefiting from huge amounts of inward investment

    Country focus: Romania


    Romania is booming after its recent accession to the EU, with a rapidly growing construction industry and the world’s ‘third most promising’ economy, writes Stuart Powls of EC Harris

  • Features

    Gus takes the scenic route


    The Formica hell of a service station can ruin a bank holiday jaunt. But fear not: dotted around the motorway exits of Britain are some architectural gems to lift the spirits of even the most jaded driver. Gus Alexander enjoys some truly welcome breaks

  • Features

    Uncharted territory


    The UK Green Building Council wants to create a road map towards a sustainable environment. Paul King, its chief executive and a man of impeccable green credentials, will be in the driving seat – or should that be bike saddle?

  • Features

    The building that wasn’t there


    LSI Architects’ visitor centre in Cley in the Norfolk marshes works hard not to be noticed