More news – Page 3183

  • News

    Davis Langdon replaced by EC Harris on City flagship


    Consultant brought in to replace rival on Bishopsgate Goods Yard regeneration project

  • News

    Bovis buys Elite Homes for £26m


    Housebuilder looks to consolidate in the north of England

  • News

    Training centre to be demolished


    The ability of London to train workers to build the 2012 Olympic venues is under threat after it emerged a key training facility is to be demolished to make way for a secondary school.

  • News

    Davis Langdon replaced by EC Harris on City flagship


    Consultant brought in to replace rival on Bishopsgate Goods Yard regeneration project

  • Tony Bingham

    It ain’t necessarily so


     If a client presented with a payment certificate hasn’t paid up 14 days later, the dispute begins on day 15, right? Wrong. As this Scottish case demonstrates, you need to apply a little common sense

  • News

    Olympic pay deal in doubt amid fears of rising costs


    ODA hesitates over use of Terminal 5 wage agreement on construction programme

  • 2012 Olympics

    Olympic pay deal in doubt amid fears of rising costs


    ODA hesitates over use of Terminal 5 wage agreement on construction programme

  • News

    Firms urged to buy from China


    Construction firms could save more than 30% in costs by sourcing materials and building components from China, India and eastern Europe.

  • Dee Park

    Inspace hits the jackpot


    Housebuilder lands £140m regeneration of the Dee Park estate

  • Comment

    Testing times


     In PFI contracts, the independent tester signs off a project. If it doesn’t, the contractor may have to pay damages. So it’s no wonder contractors want warranties from the tester

  • Comment

    It’s a fit-out, not a fit-up


    When your project gets to the closing stages, a host of new subcontractors and delivery people appear on site. But how do you make sure some of those strangers aren’t there to rob you?

  • David Chipperfield's literature museum in Germany won the RIBA’s top prize

    Stirling prize winner calls for closer links with the public


    Chipperfield criticises ‘dysfunctional relationship’ between architecture and society in Britain

  • News

    Foster’s academic success


    The Thomas Deacon academy, one of the largest state schools in Europe, has opened for students.

  • White City scheme

    Steelworkers threaten strike


    Steelworkers across the UK are threatening unofficial strike action in a row over pay

  • Features

    Top 250 Consultants 2007: The age of expansion


    With all the talk of credit crunches and stalled projects, it’s possible to forget what a staggeringly successful time this is for consultants – as our annual league of the top 250 makes clear.

  • Features

    Poker Kings 2007


    Fed up with the humdrum world of work? Looking for excitement and the possibility of winning some hard cash? Well, Building’s new poker tournament is rushing to your rescue. Come and take a chance – and it’s all in aid of charity, so you’ll go home with a warm glow ...

  • Comment

    My favourites …


    Gary Marshall

  • Comment

    Not so excellent?


    I have just read your article on BREEAM (21 September, page 14) and feel compelled to write to you.

  • Comment

    Theyve never had it so good


    Peter Whitbread’s letter questions society’s over-reliance on academic success in preparing the construction workforce of tomorrow (14 September, page 34). I am pleased to say that, in fact, the choice of qualifications now available leaves young people better prepared than ever before.

  • Comment

    Short and simple


    Tony Bingham (“KISS and tell”, 14 September, page 56) may like to know there is a subcontract that meets his requirements – one for which he and Building are partly responsible.