More news – Page 3171

  • B of the Bang

    Council sues Heatherwick over 'Kerplunk' sculpture


    Manchester City Council is suing design team behind the B of the Bang over safety of giant steel spikes

  • News

    Biggest ever PFI to be announced ‘within weeks’


    £16bn Defence Review Training scheme to begin with £1bn training centre in south Wales

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint for …



  • But they do do very reasonably priced electrical goods …

    A matter of conscience


    It surprised me to find an article recommending that materials should be sourced from China, a country that doesn’t recognise human rights (remember the students’ protest in Tiananmen Square?) and that is buying illegally forested timber from Malaysia, leaving it struggling to sustain its natural diversity (12 October, page 14).

  • Comment

    Get your own house in order


    How can a government department that was widely criticised for the way it introduced Part L a year ago suddenly chastise building control so vehemently (5 October, page 42)?

  • Comment

    A little respect


    After more than 30 years in building control, I feel a little unappreciated by recent views on whether the regulations work. I believe, and have told government departments, that we should have a simpler set of regulations and approved documents for domestic work.

  • Comment

    The painful birth of Part L


    I am not sure the enforcement of Part L is as poor as is often claimed.

  • Comment

    A time for heroes


    It was interesting to read your article on leadership (28 September, page 54) as it is an area the industry needs to take more seriously.

  • Comment

    Apples and pears


    The table comparing the government’s housing target with NHBC completions (5 October 2007, page 32) is misleading.

  • News

    Between a dock and a hard place


    Thanks to Ian Gibb for sending in this charming riverbank scene.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Features

    Hallowed be thy brand


    BMW’s car showroom in Munich takes the worship of luxury automobiles to astonishing lengths

  • Features

    Lead times July-October 2007


    There were no significant changes to lead times for materials this quarter, indicating that the market is levelling out, says Brian Moone of Mace. Overleaf, he turns the spotlight on tall buildings

  • The Heron tower, which is being built at 110 Bishopsgate, on the east edge of the City

    Spotlight on tall buildings


    Big buildings are rising up across London, putting pressure on suppliers and contractors alike

  • Hansom

    Awkward moments


    Whether it be talking to method actors at a corporate function, duetting with Chris de Burgh in a Parisian bar, or simply mistaking your host company for one of its biggest rivals, they’re all here …

  • Features

    Turf war


    QSs are facing a fight as property firms and contractors try to muscle in on the hugely lucrative project and programme management market .

  • News

    Housing stats:New-build sales and completions in September 2007


    New-build private registrations shoot up and the South-east leads on regional completions

  • News

    Wappings whopper


    A planning application for the Wapping Land scheme has been lodged with Tower Hamlets council.

  • Comment

    No need to fight


    The possibility of the first hostile takeover in living memory of one contractor by another has sent shockwaves through the sector over the past week.

  • News

    A reason to stay indoors


    This is the latest image of Scotland’s £70m National Indoor Sports Arena in the Clyde Gateway in Glasgow. The project was designed by Sport Concepts with 3DReid, and will be project managed by Davis Langdon with civil and structural engineering by Halcrow Yolles. It will be the main athletics venue ...