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  • Features

    Ground investigation


    Geotechnical consultant Soil Mechanics has developed a test cell that will allow the thermal properties of soil to be determined more efficiently and effectively.

  • Features

    Flexible insulation for metal cladding


    Euroclad has launched an adjustable spacer for its metal roofing and cladding system.

  • Features

    Low-flow showers


    Deva has launched a shower system that it says can halve the amount of water used by a conventional system.

  • Features

    Smart radiators


    Jaga Heating Products has launched the Oxygen radiator, the latest addition to its Dynamic Boost Effect series.

  • Features

    A hint of lime


    Lime Technology was set up in 2002 as a spin-off from conservation specialist IJP Building Conservation.

  • Tony Bingham

    Flogging a dead parrot


    Here’s a trip down memory lane … back to the early seventies and Monty Python’s Flying Circus. But what could a hilarious, abusive, surreal sketch show possibly have to do with the modern construction industry?

  • Features

    The Foster factor


    The great man’s success is the result of a lot more than his ability to design buildings. Indeed, he has a whole repertoire of accomplishments, from uncanny persuasiveness to ruthless efficiency.

  • Stadium nichnames

    Name that stadium


    Choose your favourite nickname for the London Olympic stadium: the zoetrope, Hula Hoop, tambourine, dog bowl or vol au vent

  • Comment

    Wonders & blunders


    Two takes on modernity this week, one a persuasive discourse on industry and craft, the other a ‘crude and inarticulate’ shout

  • Comment

    Back issues Preserving charming rusticity from the onslaught of utilitarian townies


    November 1880 – Hamlets into suburbs

  • Hansom

    Hansom Self-harmers


    BDP masterplans its own office out of existence, Banyard’s managing director gets himself into trouble on the domestic front and who knows what QSs will do to themselves in the name of pop art?

  • Features

    12 disciples


    We found a dozen people who’d worked with Foster or his former partner Richard Rogers on their way to becoming celebrated architects in their own right, and asked them what they’d learned from following the way of the lords

  • Comment

    Finding Foster


    Type his name into any search engine and you’ll come up with some unusual takes on Foster’s work. Chloë McCulloch finds out what he means to a variety of branding gurus, expats and geeks

  • Comment

    My favourites …


    Simon Tolson

  • Foreign investors are heading for cities with well-educated, highly trained populations, like Warsaw

    Country focus: Poland


    Despite the exodus of native workers since the country joined the EU, Poland’s economy and construction market have gone from strength to strength. Marcin Klammer of EC Harris reports

  • Features

    Choose wisely


    Architects – even those of the stature of Lord Foster of Thames Bank – have to start somewhere, and that means entering architectural competitions. But deciding whether they will lead to a meal ticket or a miserable end is where things get tricky.

  • Comment

    Norman’s conquests


    Building takes great pride in being the first journal to celebrate British architecture’s life peers, Norman Foster and Richard Rogers, on the 40th anniversary of the break-up of Team 4 and the founding of their practices.

  • News

    Government to reopen academies framework to contractors


    The government’s framework for building academies is to be rebid next year, it is expected.

  • News

    Land Secs to split into three


    Land Securities is to be split into three separately quoted companies after revealing a slump in pre-tax profit.

  • News

    Home Office could introduce anti-terror design reviews


    Design reviews such as those carried out by Cabe could be conducted on new buildings to ensure they are able to withstand terrorist attacks.