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  • News

    Best Housebuilder of the Year


    WinnerBerkeley Group This is the latest addition to Berkeley Homes’ impressive portfolio of awards for sustainability. It also came first in this year’s ranking of the top 20 most sustainable housebuilders, which is put together by a team of sustainability experts. The reason it does so well is because sustainability ...

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    Sustainability Leadership Award


    WinnerDavid Strong David Strong has had a phenomenal 2007, emerging as one of the most influential figures in the drive to make the industry sustainable. The year started with the formation of the UK Green Building Council which he was instrumental in getting off the ground – the group has ...

  • News

    Sustainable Engineer of the Year


    WinnerArup This was one of the most fiercely contested categories of this year’s awards, but a quick look at Arup’s list of ‘firsts’ goes some way to demonstrating why it won. The first to design a net zero carbon house that also meets the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6; ...

  • News

    Sustainable Architect of the Year


    WinnerArchitype Sustainability is absolutely fundamental to Architype’s ethos. It actively introduces its clients to sustainability features and strategies and even introduces green features when the client doesn’t specify them. All its projects bear the hallmarks of this approach – for example the client wasn’t involved with the specification of ...

  • News

    Best Sustainable Business Practice


    WinnerKingspan Insulated Panels In 2006 the Carbon Trust carried out surveys at three of Kingspan Insulated Panels’ sites and issued a report specifying a six point plan for energy savings. Throughout 2007 the company has been using these reports as the basis for developing strategies to reduce its carbon footprint. ...

  • News

    Sustainable Client (or Developer) of the Year


    WinnerBritish Land winner British Land’s bold vision of achieving carbon neutrality by 2008/2009 is just one of the many reasons why it has stood out from the crowd. Runner up in last year’s competition, the developer has continued to up its game, with sustainability at the heart of all its ...

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    Sustainable Development of the Year


    WinnerAspire Defence Capital Works – Project Allenby/Connaught The strength of the Aspire scheme in embracing sustainability in its fullest sense led to the team winning its second award this year. This 10-year construction project is the largest PFI contract ever awarded by the Ministry of Defence as it looks to ...

  • News

    Sustainability Champion Award


    WinnerTrevor Butler, Building Design Partnership This was a closely fought award but in the end the winner proved himself by his allround capability including his natural leadership in low carbon design, his ability to communicate this to other design professionals and clients and his impressive dedication to raising the awareness ...

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    Innovative Technology Award


    WinnerBovis Lend Lease Contractor Bovis Lend Lease is not content with driving up standards of waste minimisation and site efficiency. It has pressed ahead with creating a really smart way of recycling a commonly used site material – plywood.The category’s winning concept Re-Plas – short for Recycled Plastic Board - ...

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    Sustainable Consultant of the Year


    WinnerBioRegional Consulting Probably best known for the BedZED eco village in Sutton, south London, BioRegional Consulting stood out for the diversity of its work. As well as its groundbreaking efforts in eco housing it has also been involved in sustainable forestry, sustainable farming and recycling. It uses the One Planet ...

  • News

    Sustainable Contractor/Construction Manager of the Year


    WinnerSkanska This Swedish contractor takes a very methodical and complete approach to sustainability, underpinned by a host of tools, training and monitoring strategies that ensure it is as green as possible. What is so commendable is having hit its targets it simply ups the ante and sets an even tougher ...

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    Building 99% Campaign Award for Refurbishment


    WinnerParity Projects This Carshalton Grove Eco-Renovation development could have been considered as near impossible to develop sustainably. An inefficient three-bedroom semi-detached Victorian house built in 1890 there is also no south facing roofs to easily utilise solar power and the interior had no cavity walls to easily insulate. A challenge ...

  • News

    Best Sustainability Initiative for the Public Sector


    WinnerAspire Defence Capital Works - Project Allenby/Connaught, Aldershot and Salisbury WinnerAspire Defence Capital Works has successfully shown how to embed sustainability into a major programme of works, covering everything from quality of build through to community involvement and innovative recycling. The team behind the scheme are delivering an £8bn green ...

  • News

    Sustainable Building of the Year - Largest Project


    WinnerFeilden Clegg Bradley – Heelis BuildingHeelis, the National Trust central office in Swindon, is an exemplar in two vital areas. One is that it demonstrates that buildings with normal commercial constraints can be made significantly greener for little extra cost. The second vital area is the commitment from both the ...

  • Alan Ritchie

    Government to spend £1bn on apprenticeships


    The government's new skills investment programmes targets 400,000 quality placements by 2011

  • Features

    Wind power costs breakdown


    Peter May runs through the basics of wind power and assesses the costs, life cycle and annual outputs of differently sized turbines

  • Comment

    Worth their weight in what?


    There is a consensus now that the quality of adjudication is fine, but the same cannot be said about the cost of hiring an adjudicator. Just ask the clients that got a bill from one chap for £30,000

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    Tell us all your secrets


    Did you know that the Freedom of Information Act could apply to your PFI contracts, and that all the obvious reasons why it might be a bad idea to disclose such information may be without force?

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    Put paid to those with no scruples


    10 things you need to know about … abuses of the Construction Act

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    Multiplex Constructions vs PC Harrington


    Multiplex is facing a legal battle with contractor PC Harrington over a £45m concrete works contract