More news – Page 3139

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Nouvel in New York


    French architect Jean Nouvel has been appointed to design of a new tower to be built adjacent to the Museum of Modern Arts in New York City.

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    Manchester set to win housing super agency head office


    The government is working on plans to move the headquarters of its soon-to-be-launched housing super agency to Manchester, according to a senior Whitehall source.

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    The Vol-au-vent is set to rise


    The 2012 Olympic stadium shall henceforth be known as the Vol-au-vent, Building’s readers have decreed.

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    Plan to cool the tube in doubt after collapse of Metronet


    Plans to cool the tube and upgrade stations are in doubt after the collapse of the Metronet consortium, it emerged this week.

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    ODA bans open flames on site


    The Olympic Delivery Authority has suspended all work involving open flames or high temperatures on Olympic sites after last week’s warehouse fire.

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    Leading lights of South America


    These images of the three towers constituting Los Faros de Panamá (The Lighthouses of Panama), designed by Chapman Taylor, were unveiled at the Mapic international retail property exhibition in Cannes last week.

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    Best specialist contractors honoured at awards ceremony


    The winners of the Specialist Contractor awards were announced on Tuesday evening at the London Hilton hotel.

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    Anger as pilot GCSE is axed


    The pilot GCSE in construction was scrapped last week after political pressure in favour of diplomas, said a senior education source.

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    Quarry takes shape


    Land Securities has won planning consent for the largest section of its first housing development.

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    Carillion sets limit of £15m a year for PFI bid costs …


    Carillion has set an annual limit of £15m a year for PFI bid costs amid continuing concerns over the cost of the procurement method.

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    … as labour row breaks out


    The government has been called on to intervene in a row over labour at Carillion’s £236m PFI hospital in Portsmouth.

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    Architects campaign to ease visa restrictions


    Architects from outside the EU could have their British visa constraints relaxed, if an industry campaign proves successful.

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    Into the valley


    Developer Gazeley UK is to build a £50m eco-friendly business park in Staffordshire.

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    This week

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    Heritage prefabs


    Architect Snell Associates has designed a modular building system for visitor pavilions that the National Trust can roll out on its sites across the country.

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    Unreal city


    Gordon Brown is promising 10 new eco towns, but are we buying into another illusion? (Anybody here remember the millennium villages?)

  • David Edwards

    Land without people


    You can’t build houses without land, and 3 million houses requires an awful lot of it. So how can the public sector help their friends in the private get their hands on it? Well, the recent green paper has some ideas

  • News

    ...and people without buses


    As we know, the Thames Gateway can’t succeed without a lot of money being spent on public transport. Yes, but whose money? A recent scheme in Kent may have answered that question

  • Allford Hall Monaghan Morris’ Barking Central development. This view shows the shared back garden, which is built above the refurbished library

    The rise of the west


    Never mind the agonising slow-motion struggle to develop the eastern bits of the Gateway – in the west Stratford and Barking are shooting up...