More news – Page 3094

  • The colour and mood of the reception area can be changed by remote control – just one of many prestige specifications that push the rental up to £140/ft2

    Morey Smith architects: Give it the works


    The office space behind the modest Georgian facade of 11-12 St James’s Square would presently cost you £140 for every square foot you rent.

  • Features

    Moby Dock


    Liverpool’s year of glory as European Capital of Culture is launched this weekend at the city’s brand new arena and convention centre. The 41,000m2 leviathan combines an exhibition hall, auditorium and arena that are all immense in scale. And it takes pride of place on the riverfront next to the ...

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    My favourites … Sophie Eastwood


    This week

  • Features

    What does it take to be a player?


    For anyone doing business in Liverpool’s development market, the answer is an ability to talk football for the full 90 minutes. And, as with the beautiful game, the property scene is all about getting one over on Manchester. Katie Puckett finds out if the Scousers have any hope of success

  • Inspirational The grade II-listed Blackburne House, in the Hope Street district of Liverpool, was built in the 18th century and was used as a school until 1987. It is now a training centre for women.

    My Liverpool wonders and blunders with Edwina Currie


    Edwina Currie fondly remembers the Victorian splendour of her old school – in the days before she had to put up with grim government office blocks

  • Comment

    Suspended sentences


    Chris Addison If you held a Mancunian upside down until he thought of something nice to say about Liverpool, what might he come up with? Well, here’s one we dangled earlier

  • Hansom

    Say you’ll be there


    At Candy & Candy’s new luxury development in Chelsea, at Heathrow’s Terminal 6, at the White House with America’s wannabe president-cum-architect or in Alderley Edge where eerie events are afoot …

  • Rachel Barnes

    CIC's consultants agreement: You stand here and hold this


    The Construction Industry Council’s full agreement for appointing consultants has done the industry, and its clients, a great service by explaining just who is supposed to do what, when

  • Tony Bingham

    Wellies, muck and diggers


    Construction dispute books, however erudite and authoritative, must brim with experience of the real world if they’re to be of use to those at the sharp end

  • Comment

    Who’s looking out for whom?


    Christopher Hill A client should be able to rubber-stamp a consultant’s work without checking it, but if the consultant has relied on inaccurate information from the client they may be left in an invidious position

  • Comment

    JCT Framework Agreement: Same again? Try the 2007 vintage


    Many looked forward to the birth of the JCT Framework Agreement 2005 but were disappointed by the reality, says Hillary Cohen. The 2007 version is an altogether better bet

  • Awe-inspiring Liverpool’s Anglican cathedral is visible for miles around the city. The design competition was won by Giles Gilbert Scott in 1906 when he was just 22.

    My Liverpool wonders and blunders with Janice Long


    Disc jockey Janice Long declares the Anglican cathedral an all-time classic, but consigns the front of Lime Street station to the bargain bin

  • Features

    ‘It’s a free for all’


    Although much of Liverpool is being transformed by immense projects, they don’t always fit well with the city’s social and architectural history. Martin Spring joins Ken Martin, architect and local guru to find out why

  • Comment

    The plane truth


    Your reader’s concern about the pitfalls of constructing a school around two 120-year-old plane trees (23 November, page 38) mirrors those of the client and design team at the outset of the project four years ago, but a great amount of consideration went into ensuring the continuing health of the ...

  • Comment

    Terrorism and you


    The prime minister recently suggested a need for architects to help “design out” terrorist opportunities.

  • Comment

    Reefer madness


    Although I couldn’t possibly disagree with the main thrust of Jules Harbage’s legal article (7 December, page 58), I am dismayed that yet another opportunity has been missed for addressing the growing issue of drug abuse.

  • Comment

    The golden age of canals


    Many years ago there was some debate among the canal fraternity about the future use of canals.

  • Comment

    Here, here


    I have just read Tony Bingham’s article about the lack of clerks of works on British building sites (14 December, page 56).

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Denise Chevin

    Peering into the gloom


    In an issue as celebratory as this one, it’s rather a shame that we have to acknowledge the elephant in the drawing room. But as we go into the new year there’s no ignoring the uncertainty that’s surrounding the economy in the wake of the credit crunch.