More news – Page 3087

  • News

    BAA picks nine contractors for £9.5bn framework


    Work may include Heathrow and Stansted terminals  Firms could recruit axed BAA staff

  • News

    Specialists slam vetting process


    Specialist contractors are calling on the government to create a single set of competency standards for the industry, in a backlash against onerous terms introduced by main contractors.

  • News

    ODA makes U-turn over payments to specialists


    Olympic construction director says project bank accounts ‘not appropriate’ for large schemes

  • News

    Government ‘faces £8bn bill’ unless inflation is tamed


    ICE State of the Nation report calls for independent commission to plan infrastructure work

  • Features

    Meet the new nanny


    Lance Taylor is chief executive of Rider Levett Bucknall, a global QS that, according to him, resembles a ‘65-year-old toddler’. Here the rugby-playing hard man tells Karolin Schaps how he plans to nurture it through its teething problems.

  • Features

    ‘What’s missing is an understanding of what works and what doesn’t’


    Construction accounts for about 10% of GDP, so why is a measly £5m being invested in its R&D? Stephen Kennett looks at the steady evaporation of funding – particularly for the publication of practical guidance – but wonders if we only have ourselves to blame

  • Richard Devoy

    Better by degrees


    Entering construction as a graduate will stand you in better stead than jumping right in and learning on the job. Even the lack of on-site experience can work to your advantage, says graduate QS Richard Devoy

  • Comment

    Happily floating along


    I noted with interest the comment in the Hansom column (14 December, page 27) that we at Baqus must hate Turner & Townsend for stealing our thunder by announcing the day before our flotation that it was planning to do the same.

  • Comment

    An elementary lesson


    Following the Bali summit in December there appeared to be an overwhelming agreement that we need to act now to reduce the impact of climate change.

  • Comment

    Speed isnt everything


    As a south Londoner and a frequent user of the Waterloo terminal (below), I am one of that band of travellers for whom the journey time to Paris has increased as a result of the move to St Pancras, so I might be viewed as being somewhat jaundiced in my ...

  • Comment

    Fear not the NEC


    Tony Bingham gave us a light-hearted Christmas reminder of the benefits of the employer having on site people who understand the sharp end of construction (14 December, page 56).

  • Comment

    A fledgling workforce


    David Cameron’s back to work initiative, raises the memory of the Leeds council community programme of the eighties.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Top 50 contractor websites: Web watch — Restricted access

    2008-01-18T00:00:00Z’s survey of the top 50 contractors revealed that many of the biggest names in the industry are failing to make their websites accessible to all users.

  • Comment

    My favourites … Simon Cheshire


    This week

  • Coop Himmelb(l)au’s BMW World in Munich uses a complex latticework of steel to create a dramatic tornado-like structure

    Specialist cost update: Structures


    The credit crunch has led to the cancellation or postponement of some schemes, but the year ahead is still looking buoyant across the sector. Gardiner & Theobald report

  • Zaha Hadid’s proposed £987m 180-acre scheme for the Zorrozaurre peninsula in the Basque region of Spain

    Country focus: Spain


    Spain has enjoyed a booming economy over the past 10 years, with annual growth well above the EU average. But is the fiesta about to end? Marcos Uttley del Corral of EC Harris reports

  • Hansom

    Stripped for part


    We aim to bring you the best bits of the week’s drinks parties, Olympic gossip and satellite TV at a knock-down price. And if you’re lucky we’ll throw in a 10ft wind turbine, no questions asked …

  • The travertine marble, stainless steel and wooden walls are intended to mimic the luxury of the cars’ interiors, while

    Studio Royale


    James Bond’s favourite car maker gets an appropriately elegant design workship

  • Comment

    Building buys juices and coffees … for CBRE


    Going out for a drink with a trio of property consultants is not normally an engagement one expects to return home sober from, but it seems 2008 is very different from 2007. Or perhaps the first Monday in January is just not the occasion for flamboyant excess.