More news – Page 3080

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    Know your limits


    The Law Commission wants a rethink of the law on limitations and this year you are invited to comment on the proposals. So here’s what they’re about…

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    The lawyers’ playground


    There have been more than 300 court decisions that ‘clarify’ the meaning of the Construction Act. The result is that only our learned friends really understand what the rules are

  • News

    How bad can it get?


    Sales are down. Cancellations are up. Share prices are just a third of what they were at this time last year. Few now question that housebuilders face their biggest test since the nineties slump. Joey Gardiner finds out just how big

  • Features

    The tracker: Getting the jitters


    The industry is still expanding but the uncertainty in the financial markets is starting to make itself felt in the civil engineering sector. Experian Business Strategies reports

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    Web watch — Golden nuggets


    If you want the latest environmental information in easily digestible, bite-sized chunks, you really should log on to Building’s sustainability channel. Phil Clark explains why

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    My favourites … Crispin Matson


    This week

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    Building inaugurates a coffee machine … with HTA


    “I’m not drinking until April,” boasts Riette as she sips her hot water and lemon. I feel a little guilty as I knock back a double espresso.

  • Hansom

    Close shaves


    While Willmott Dixon employees escape with their jobs, Make’s staff avoid being crushed by a steel tree and Gordon Brown dodges Mandarin quantity surveying manuals

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Every cloud


    I read your piece “Construction firms will take credit crunch hit in 2008” (11 January, page 20) with interest. It claimed insolvencies across all industries are set to rise 8.3% to 13,492 next year, with construction singled out as one of the biggest casualties.

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    The QS and the cockroach


    As a loud and proud QS I have been reading about the imminent demise of our noble art for as long as I can remember.

  • Comment

    Nuclear clear-up


    Contrary to the impression given in your quote from me in the article “The path to power” (18 January, page 28), the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and I are very clear about our policy on nuclear power.

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    Cutting the atom down to size


    Oh dear, two energy-related errors in the 11 January issue. First, kWh is a unit of energy while kW is a unit of power, not vice versa (page 75).

  • Comment

    Going for green


    The news that the Olympic Delivery Authority’s business network will help companies across the UK compete for London 2012 business opportunities is a welcome announcement.

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    Playing a risky game


    I note every week the array of pictures sent in by vigilant readers detailing clear health and safety breaches seen on building sites, often in this country.

  • News

    Sharp slide in profit at Wolseley with more bad news on the way


    Pre-tax profit at Wolseley, the materials producer, fell by a third in the five months to the end of December as a result of the global credit crunch.

  • News

    RSK buys Building Service


    Environmental consultant RSK Group has bought building envelope and testing specialist Building Sciences.

  • News

    Carillion green light


    Most of Alfred McAlpine’s shareholders have approved the £572m takeover by Carillion.

  • News

    On the move


    Turner & Townsend managing director Bruce McAra has said the company’s flotation will take place in February or March despite the recent downturn in the stock market.

  • News

    Healthy results


    Turnover at Multibuild has increased 16% to £71.2m in the 12 months to 30 September 2007.