More news – Page 3063

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    My favourites … Julian Symons


    This week

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    Building pulls a pint … for CMS Cameron McKenna


    By the time I arrive at the Hand and Shears, a mere 10 minutes late, Henry is already staring down the barrel of an empty glass. “A process of evaporation seems to have taken place,” he says.

  • Features

    Meet the new ministers: Supernanny and Shriti the shriek


    So Fortuna’s ever-whirling wheel has brought two new politicians to look after our industry. At first sight they seem like standard issue New Labour middle managers. Probe a little deeper into their biographies, though, and they’re about as similar as Mary Poppins and Lady Macbeth.

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    Fair payment charter: Declaring peace


    Last year the Office of Government Commerce launched its Guide to Best Fair Payment Practices. It came into force on 1 January this year and applies to all public sector works contracts.

  • Comment

    Who will abide by the rules?


    Do clients really want another measure to regulate payment? Judging by the slow take-up so far, possibly not …

  • Ann Minogue

    Project bank accounts: Private practices


    The project bank accounts proposed by the guide could work in the private sector – if they can be made effective

  • Tony Bingham

    A diamond among the coal


    The 48 pages of the Fair Payment Charter are largely made up of statements of the bleedin’ obvious worked up by some marketing wizard – but that project bank accounts idea is a real corker

  • Comment

    It’s the tender process, stupid


    The Fair Payment Charter is brimming with good intentions but unless it gets to grips with procurement, clients are unlikely to benefit

  • Features

    Golden wonder


    It’s the gold roof on Rafael Viñoly’s Colchester visual arts centre that will wow the visitors – but the real marvel was getting it up without touching the topsoil.

  • Hansom

    Biting back


    This week we’ve got Reservoir Dogs without the reservoir, the results of the HBG vs University of Phoenix friendly, fashion tips for cyclists, Caribbean marriages … well, what more do you want?

  • Comment

    The QS is alive and well …


    The QS is a dying breed (18 January, page 21).

  • Comment

    … and happy to be abroad


    I am an expat QS and a member of the RICS. Please, for the sake of my sanity and that of others, do not carry any articles about the RICS’ desire to have visa restrictions lifted for foreign QSs.

  • Comment

    Put your pens down


    Are these firms that are imposing 5% cuts on their subcontractors (18 January, page 9) unaware of Latham, Egan and approaches such as Lean Construction to improving the efficiency of the supply chain?

  • Comment

    Here's how


    I read with interest your piece “What’s missing is an understanding of what works and what doesn’t” (18 January, page 48).

  • Comment

    The woodenheaded media


    A recent article in the Telegraph magazine disturbed me for displaying a conspicuous bias against PVCu windows and I wrote to the magazine to put the record straight.

  • Comment

    University challenge


    Universities and employers do seem to be missing a trick when it comes to the use of construction students within the industry (18 January, page 52).

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Mann Island in Liverpool

    Baby, it’s cold outside


    There’s a chill wind blowing through the North-west as demand for city-centre apartments plummets – with knock-on effects on land values. David Blackman looks at how the industry is responding and where best to keep warm

  • News

    Inspace poaches Crest Nicholson regeneration expert


    Inspace has recruited Joanna Lucas, Crest Nicholson Regeneration’s development director, to head its regeneration activities.

  • News

    Deborah bought for £48m


    Siteserv, the Dublin site services group, is set to buy Yorkshire-based Deborah Services for up to £48m.